출시 요구 빗발치는 '깜찍이' 전기차의 정체는 VIDEO: Citroën designs ultra-compact concept car for unlicenced drivers
Citroën designs ultra-compact concept car for unlicenced drivers
Rima Sabina Aouf
Citroën has revealed its vision for the future of mobility in cities, the Ami One Concept electric vehicle, designed to be an alternative to both shared bikes and cars.
The ultra-compact vehicle only has a top speed of 28 miles per hour, which means in many countries, it can be operated even by people without a driver's licence for cars.
출시 요구 빗발치는 '깜찍이' 전기차의 정체는 시트로엥 탄생 100주년 기념 콘셉트카 '에이미 원 콘셉트' 디자인 너무 귀여워 프랑스 자동차 브랜드 시트로엥이 다음달 7일 열리는 '2019 제네바 모터쇼'에서 브랜드 탄생 100주년을 기념하는 콘셉트카 '에이미 원 콘셉트(Ami One Concept)'를 공개한다. 25일 시트로엥에 따르면 에이미 원 콘셉트는 시트로엥의 100년사를 계승하는 콘셉트카로, 시트로엥의 미래 도심 모빌리티 비전을 담고 있다. 에이미 원 콘셉트는 도심 에너지 전환 문제에 대한 해결책을 제시하는 혁신적인 모빌리티 솔루션이다. 100% 디지털화, 자율 주행, 전동화와 고객 맞춤형 서비스를 구현해 누구나 편리하고 자유롭게 이용할 수 있다. 운전 면허가 없어도 어플리케이션을 통해 누구나 이용할 수 있다는 점도 혁신적이다. 에이미 원 콘셉트는 QR 코드 인식을 통해 차량에 접속하고 계기반 위에 스마트폰을 꽂으면 사용자와 주행 정보를 인식해 스스로 작동한다. 사용자는 단시간 카셰어링부터 중장기 대여까지 개인의 필요에 따라 자유롭게 이용할 수 있다. 시트로엥의 미래 도심 모빌리티 비전을 담고 있어 또 대기·교통 환경 이슈로 차량 출입 요건이 강화되고 있는 유럽 시내에서도 제약 없이 이동할 수 있도록 설계됐다.
최대 2인까지 탑승 가능한 전장 2.5m, 전고 1.5m의 콤팩트한 큐브 형태로 민첩한 이동과 공간 효율성에 초점을 맞췄다. 디자인도 '프랑스' 자동차 브랜드 시트로엥만의 독특한 개성과 아이디어, 편안함이라는 브랜드 방향성을 보여준다. 운전 면허가 없어도 어플리케이션을 통해 누구나 이용할 수 있다 범퍼와 펜더, 도어 등 전후·좌우 호환 가능한 대칭적 요소는 외관 보호와 수리의 편리함이란 실용성을 갖췄다. 내부 또한 시트로엥 어드밴스드 컴포트 프로그램을 적용해 편안하면서도 활용도 높은 공간을 구성했다. 한편, 시트로엥은 올해 5월 16일부터 파리에서 열리는 스타트업 중심의 기술 박람회 '비바테크(VivaTech)'에서 '울트라 콤포트'를 주제로 두 번째 100주년 기념 콘셉트카를 선보일 예정이다. 김지현 기자john@insight.co.kr 인사이트 |
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The unusual specs make the Ami One concept an alternative to hiring an electric bike or scooter to get around a city on a rainy day, or using public transport. For lack of established naming tradition, Citroën is calling it an "urban mobility object".
Citroën believes that based on current legislation, European customers could drive the Ami One Concept on average from the age of 16, with or without a licence.
The French automaker designed the zero-emissions vehicle primarily to be available on-demand through an app for trips ranging from five minutes to five hours. It would have a range of 65 miles and can be charged either at public charging stations or at home.
Citroën Ami One concept car
While the car is only a concept, it is an advanced one, with a prototype said to be available for test drive at the upcoming Geneva Motor Show from 7-17 March. Citroën intends to rent out the vehicle through the existing car, bike and scooter sharing Free2Move carshare app.
The company described the vehicle as a "disruptive" object, and adapted a classic French rallying cry to form the project's new hashtag #LibertyElectriCityMobility.
Citroën Ami One concept car
"Since 1919, Citroën's history has always reflected its times with non-conformist and revolutionary vehicles that have become icons in the hearts of motorists," said the company.
"At the 2019 Geneva Motor Show, the brand is reinventing itself and unveiling its uninhibited take on an urban mobility object. As the 2CV made freedom of movement broadly accessible, Ami One Concept frees up urban mobility for everyone with its unique and popular character advocating a new experience."
Citroën Ami One concept car
The Ami One Concept has a distinctive exterior that Citroën described as looking "as if sculpted from a solid block" and exuding "robustness" — a quality that drivers of the 1.5-metre-high, 2.5-metre-long vehicle might understandably appreciate while sharing the road with conventional cars.
There is a folding roof so drivers can ride open-top if they wish.
Another feature of the orange-and-grey exterior is the lighting, arranged into thin, floating, horizontal "Vs" on both the front and the rear. Citroën drew on its earlier CXperience concept car for this element of the design, which it is developing into a brand signature.
The handles are blue rubber straps, with the driver's side door swinging open on a rear hinge for better cabin access.
The deep blue colour takes over more in the interior, which features openwork seatbacks with a cube pattern woven using a caning technique developed by Studio Plott. The same pattern recurs on the grey floor mats.
The seats are arranged asymmetrically, with the passenger seat fixed into position at the back of the cabin and the driver's seat able to slide forward on rails.
Citroën Ami One concept car
The interface relies on the driver's smartphone, which the car would be booked on through an app and unlocked with. Once inside the cabin, the driver docks the phone into a wireless induction charging station, and the screen is projected onto a panel in the driver's field of vision, enabling them to view navigation and driving instruments.
The driver can use two buttons on the steering wheel as well as voice commands to control the app.
With its modest size and horsepower, the Ami One is world's away from most concept vehicles showcased at the annual Geneva Motor Show. Designs unveiled at the show in recent years have included Airbus' flying car, Renault's autonomous Ez-Go and Aston Martin's cashmere and silk Lagonda Vision.