한화큐셀, '터키 최대' 13억달러 규모 콘야(Konya) 태양광 발전사업' 포기 Turkey’s 1 GW Konya project in doubt
Turkey’s 1 GW Konya project in doubt
Project partners Hanwha Q Cells and local company Kalyon Enerji appear to have ended their partnership and to be negotiating the terms of a ‘divorce’.
The threat to Konya may prompt a rethink of Turkey’s domestic content requirements.
The planned 1 GW solar farm at Konya was meant to be the poster child for Turkish PV.
PV Magazine
한화큐셀, '터키 최대' 13억달러 규모 콘야(Konya) 태양광 발전사업' 포기 한화큐셀이 '터키 최대' 태양광 발전 사업에서 빠지기로 결정했다. 터키 에너지업체 칼리온에너지는 한화큐셀·칼리온 태양광발전 조인트벤처의 한화큐셀 지분 전체 인수계획을 터키 공정경쟁당국에 보고했다고 13일(현지시간) 하베를레르 등 터키 매체가 보도했다. 한국의 공정거래위원회에 해당하는 경쟁기구(Rekabet Kurumu)는 의견 수렴 절차에 따라 칼리온이 보고한 조인트벤처 지분 인수계획을 웹사이트에 공개했다. 그러나 사업 수주 후 계획대로 사업이 진행되지 못하고 계속 지연됐다. 지난달 터키 언론은 양사가 카나프나르 태양광발전 컨소시엄 해체를 결정했고, 칼리온이 다른 해외 파트너를 물색할 수 있다고 보도했다. 한화큐셀은 이 보도와 관련, "사업 포기를 확정한 것은 아니다"라고 연합뉴스에 밝혔지만, 그로부터 3주 만에 터키 경쟁당국의 정보공개에 따라 한화큐셀이 사업 포기를 결정한 것으로 확인됐다. 익명을 요구한 터키 소식통은 연합뉴스와 통화에서 "터키 에너지당국이 한국의 사업 포기에 상당히 아쉬워하는 기색"이라고 전했다. 연합뉴스 하채림 특파원/조선일보 출처 : http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/02/14/2019021400458.html |
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The license to build the project was auctioned in March 2017 and attracted bids from four consortia who signed up to strict local content requirements which called for Turkish manufacture of PV ingots, wafers, cells and modules.
According to the tender rules, 60% of the first 500 MW slice of the Konya project has to contain locally made components.
As victorious project partners, Korean manufacturer Hanwha Q Cells and Turkish company Kalyon Enerji inaugurated a manufacturing facility in Ankara in December 2017 to much public fanfare, attracting the country’s then prime and energy ministers to the ceremony.
In the last month though, Turkey’s solar sector has been publicly discussing a rumored ‘divorce’ of the partners, with the Turkish press reporting an inability to secure financing has put the consortium in doubt. Hanwha and Kalyon were expected to invest $1.3 billion into the 1 GW showpiece project.
South Korean Hanwha Q Cells invests $1.3 billion for solar farm in Turkey/Quatro Strategies & Consulting
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A legal conundrum
A spokesperson for the South Korean company told pv magazine “nothing has been determined” yet, however our sources have told us Kalyon Enerji is searching for another project partner to again try to secure financing.
Two major challenges remain. The first is that the lack of financing is due not to Hanwha Q Cells’ bottom line but to the state of the Turkish economy. Several Turkish energy companies are struggling to repay loans due to costs associated with the exchange rate of the Turkish lira.
In a bid to salvage Konya, the Turkish government is preparing to change the rules for PV projects and will apply the revised guidelines retrospectively. The new rules are expected to be published in the country’s official gazette imminently.
The difficulty encountered by Hanwha and Kalyon in raising the finance needed to establish domestic manufacturing at the scale needed may also prompt the Turkish authorities to rethink the local content requirement of its domestic PV program.