어떤 술을 먼저 마시는게 머리가 덜 아플까 No, Drinking 'Beer Before Wine' Won't Prevent a Hangover, Study Finds
No, Drinking 'Beer Before Wine' Won't Prevent a Hangover, Study Finds
By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer | February 8, 2019
The adage, "beer before wine and you'll feel fine, wine before beer and you'll feel queer" doesn't hold up to scientific scrutiny. A new study finds that the order in which you consume alcoholic drinks won't actually help you avoid a hangover.
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어떤 술을 먼저 마시는게 머리가 덜 아플까 英·獨 연구팀 "술 마시는 순서와 숙취 정도는 관계없어"
맥주와 와인 중 어느 것을 먼저 마셔야 다음 날 머리가 덜 아플까? 영국에는 '와인 전 맥주는 기분을 좋게 하지만, 맥주 전 와인은 기분을 이상하게 한다'는 속담이 있다. 영국과 독일의 연구팀이 이 속담의 진실을 가리는 실험을 했다고 영국 일간 가디언이 8일 전했다. 연구팀은 19세에서 40세 사이의 지원자 90명을 세 그룹으로 나눴다. 1그룹은 맥주 1.5ℓ를 마신 뒤 백포도주 4잔을 마셨고, 2그룹은 순서를 바꿔 1그룹과 같은 양의 와인과 맥주를 마셨다. 3그룹은 맥주만 마시거나 와인만 마시게 했다. 연구팀은 모든 실험 지원자의 혈중알코올농도를 0.11%가 되도록 했다. 이들은 물 한잔을 마신 후 잠자리에 들었고, 다음날 갈증, 피로, 두통, 어지러움, 메스꺼움, 복통, 식욕 감퇴 등 숙취와 관련한 질문을 받았다. 일주일 뒤 지원자들은 다시 한번 같은 실험에 참여했다. 다만, 이번 실험에서는 맥주와 와인의 순서를 바꾸도록 했다. 앞선 실험에서 맥주를 먼저 마신 그룹은 이번에는 와인을 먼저 마시고 설문에 응했다.
연구에 참여한 영국 케임브리지 대학교의 카이 헨슬 선임 연구원은 "우리는 그 속담이 틀렸음을 입증했다. 그것은 사실이 아니다"라며 "어떤 순서로 술을 주문하더라도 결과는 똑같을 것"이라고 말했다. 다만, 그는 이번 연구는 일반 맥주와 백포도주만 대상으로 했을 뿐 적포도주나 증류주, 흑맥주 등은 포함하지 않았다고 강조했다. (서울=연합뉴스) 김승욱 기자 kind3@yna.co.kr |
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Rather, drinking too much alcohol of any kind — and in any order — will likely give you a hangover, the study researchers conclude.
"We didn't find any truth in the idea that drinking beer before wine gives you a milder hangover than the other way around," lead study author Jöran Köchling, of Witten/Herdecke University in Germany, said in a statement. "The truth is that drinking too much of any alcoholic drink is likely to result in a hangover." [11 Interesting Facts About Hangovers]
The study is published yesterday (Feb. 7) in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Putting proverbs to the test
There is no medically proven way to prevent or treat a hangover — the symptoms of headache, nausea and fatigue that come with drinking too much alcohol. Instead, people sometimes rely on such unproven folk sayings as "wine before beer"; or "grape or grain but never the twain"; or "beer before liquor, never been sicker." Similar folk wisdom on the ordering of wine and beer exist in other languages, including German and French.
The new study put these proverbs to the test. The researchers recruited 90 healthy volunteers ages 19 to 40 who agreed to down large amounts of alcohol, for science.
The participants were divided into three groups. The first group consumed about two and a half pints of beer (with an alcohol content of 5 percent each) followed by four large glasses of wine (with an alcohol content of 11 percent each). The second group consumed the same amount of alcohol, but in reverse order (wine followed by beer). The third group drank only beer or only wine. During the drinking task, the participants were asked to rate their perceived level of drunkness.
Afterwards, they spent the night at the study site under medical supervision. The next day, participants were asked about their hangover symptoms; and they were given a score based on the number and severity of those symptoms, such as thirst, fatigue, headache, dizziness, nausea, stomach ache, increased heart rate and loss of appetite.
A week later, the participants came back to the study site to perform the drinking task again, but participants in groups one and two were switched to the opposite drinking order. (Those who consumed beer first on the initial visit consumed wine first on the second visit, and vice versa.) Participants in the third group who drank only beer on the first visit drank only wine on the second visit, and vice versa. This way, the researchers could compare the reactions of each individual to the same person's earlier experience. (In other words, each person served as their own "control."
The Australian
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The researchers found that participants in all three groups had similar hangover scores.
"Unfortunately, we found that there was no way to avoid the inevitable hangover just by favouring one order over another," senior study author Dr. Kai Hensel, a senior clinical fellow at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, said in the statement.
Only two factors predicted the severity of a person's hangover: that person's "perceived drunkenness" score and whether the person vomited after the drinking task. (Higher perceived drunkenness scores and vomiting were both tied to more severe hangovers.)
"The only reliable way of predicting how miserable you'll feel the next day is by how drunk you feel and whether you are sick. We should all pay attention to these red flags when drinking," Köchling said.
The researchers note that the study used only lager beer and white wine, so it's unclear if the results apply to other types of alcohol.