영국 69개 도시 모두의 손으로 거대한 지도 만드는 두 명의 예술가 Two Artists Are Creating Giant Hand-Drawn Maps of All 69 UK Cities
Two Artists Are Creating Giant Hand-Drawn Maps of All 69 UK Cities
By Jessica Stewart on January 30, 2019
Since 2016, self-taught artist Carl Lavia and photographer Lorna Le Bredonchel have been crisscrossing the UK as part of their #69cities project. Uniting their skills, they are celebrating their country with Lavia creating large-scale pen drawings of every city in the UK while Le Bredonchel photographs the entire creative process. As each map takes several months to complete, theirs is an ambitious project that shows no signs of slowing down.
영국 69개 도시 모두의 손으로 거대한 지도 만드는 두 명의 예술가 2016년부터 독학으로 공부한 칼 라비아와 사진작가 로나 르 브레돈첼은 #69시티 프로젝트의 일환으로 영국을 횡단해왔다. 그들은 그들의 기술을 통합하면서, 영국의 모든 도시에 대한 대규모의 펜 그림을 그리는 라비아와 함께 르 브레돈첼은 창조적인 과정 전체를 사진에 담았다. 각각의 지도가 완성되기까지 몇 달이 걸리는 야심찬 프로젝트다. 69개 도시의 이런 그림을 통해, 이 두사람은 영국의 풍부한 도시 역사에 경의를 표하고 싶어한다. 각 지도가 완성되면 각 도시에서 전시되며 프로젝트가 끝나면 여행도 할 계획이다. 지금까지 라비아와 르 브레돈첼은 맨체스터, 버밍엄, 스털링, 던디, 퍼스 등 최신 지도를 완성했다. 퍼스맵은 2019년 1월 29일부터 10월 말까지 퍼스 뮤지엄과 미술관에 전시되며, 연말까지 AK벨도서관으로 옮겨갈 예정이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
Through these individual portraits of 69 cities, the duo hopes to paint an overall picture of the UK and pay homage to its rich urban history. As each map is completed, it goes on exhibit in its respective city, with an idea to do a traveling tour once the project is finished. Thus far, Lavia and Le Bredonchel have completed Manchester, Birmingham, Stirling, Dundee, and Perth—their latest map. The Perth map is on display at the Perth Museum and Art Gallery from January 29, 2019 until the end of October, when it will then move to the AK Bell Library through the end of the year.
Working collaboratively, Lavia and Le Bredonchel have been able to share this adventure, each taking new things away from the project. For Lavia, one of the most satisfying parts of the collaboration is how it’s changed his art dialogues with the public. “Long before Lorna and I envisaged the idea of attempting existing cites I was mostly sketching fictional places, this was a solo passion, so to now witness people’s reactions to the places they know and love is really incredible,” the self-taught artist shares with My Modern Met.
While Le Bredonchel documents the creative process, she is also highly involved in ways that go beyond photography, even assisting with the initial sketching. “I am the disciplinarian, the one hovering over Carl’s shoulder with a pencil, rubber, and a ruler, making subtle adjustments—though, Edgar Allan Poe’s words are always ringing in my ears ‘there is no exquisite beauty, without some strangeness in the proportion,’ ” she shares. “Therefore, I am always conscious of toggling between assisting Carl in retaining clear structure and allowing for the chaotic emotional fingerprint, the artistic ‘drawing outside the lines.’ ”
Working together has been challenging and rewarding for both parties, and together they’ve been able to achieve something monumental that may not have been possible on their own. “Two minds approaching the same thing is interesting, the project benefits because it is molded by two differing energies and rhythms,” Lavia confesses. “My sketching is affected not only by Lorna’s suggestions and presence but Lorna makes subtle pencil marks on the paper—I am obviously territorial, but her input is invaluable. I affectionally joke that we have become a two-headed monster!”
As they continue to work together on #69cities, Lavia and Le Bredonchel are producing an invaluable document that speaks to the current state of the UK’s cities. Immortalized on paper, these maps will allow future generations to see how their communities have shifted—or remained the same.
#69cities is an ambitious project to create incredibly detailed large-scale maps of cities in the UK.
Each map takes between two to four months to complete and is then displayed in its respective city.
The duo is now in the beginning phases of their next map, which will capture the beauty of Scotland’s Inverness.
#69cities: Website | Facebook | Instagram
My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by #69cities.