10년 동안 계속돼온 놀라운 투탕카멘 무덤 복원 프로젝트 공개 VIDEO; Stunning restoration of King Tutankhamun's tomb in Valley of the Kings...

Stunning restoration of King Tutankhamun's tomb in Valley of the Kings is revealed as it reopens fully to the public after decade-long project

Researchers painstakingly cleaned and analysed every part of the tomb during the ten year project

Decided to leave a series of strange mysterious 'dark spots' on a giant wall picture that were there in 1922 when archaeologist Howard Carter first opened the tomb

Tomb still houses a handful of original objects, and has now been fully reopened to the public 


10년 동안 계속돼온 놀라운 투탕카멘 무덤 복원 프로젝트 공개

  왕가의 계곡에 있는 투탕카멘의 무덤은 10년 동안 계속된 복원 프로젝트로 인해 완전히 다시 개방되었다.

세계에서 가장 잘 알려진 고고학 유적지 중 하나인 게티 보존 연구소는 오늘 그들의 복원 작업을 처음으로 공개했다.

연구원들은 무덤에 있는 거대한 벽 예술품을 힘들게 청소했지만 고고학자 하워드 카터가 처음 무덤을 열었을 때인 1922년에 존재했던 일련의 신비에 싸인 '흑점'을 남기 놓기로 결정했다.

완전히 복원된 무덤의 북쪽 벽은 오른쪽에서 왼쪽으로 정렬된 세 개의 별도 장면들을 묘사하고 있다. 

첫째, 투탕카멘의 후계자인 아이는 지하세계의 군주 오시리스로 묘사되는 투탄카멘에게 '입술의 개막' 행사를 한다. 중간 장면에서, 살아있는 왕의 복장을 한 투탕카멘은, 호두여우트에 의해 신들의 영역으로 환영받는다. 왼쪽에는 투탕카멘이 카(스파이릿 트윈)에 이어 오시리스가 포옹하고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 22:38 GMT, 23 January 2019 | UPDATED: 14:53 GMT, 24 January 2019

The Tomb of Tutankhamen has fully reopened following a decade long restoration project.

One of the best known archaeological sites in the world, the Getty Conservation Institute, which carried out the conservation project, today revealed their work for the first time.

Researchers painstakingly cleaned the huge wall art in the tomb - but decided to leave a series of strange mysterious 'dark spots' that were there in 1922 when archaeologist Howard Carter first opened the tomb.


The fully restored north wall of the burial chamber depicts three separate scenes, ordered from right to left. In the first, Ay, Tutankhamen's successor, performs the 'opening of the mouth' ceremony on Tutankhamen, who is depicted as Osiris, lord of the underworld. In the middle scene, Tutankhamen, dressed in the costume of the living king, is welcomed into the realm of the gods by the goddess Nut. On the left, Tutankhamen, followed by his ka (spirit twin), is embraced by Osiris.

It was thought that brown spots—microbiological growths on the burial chamber's painted walls—might be growing.

However, researchers analyzed historic photographs from the mid-1920s and found they showed no new growth of the spots. 

To confirm this finding, DNA and chemical analysis were undertaken and confirmed the spots to be microbiological in origin but dead and thus no longer a threat.

Because the spots have penetrated into the paint layer, they have not been removed since this would harm the wall paintings.

When the tomb was discovered in 1922 by archaeologist Howard Carter, under the patronage of Lord Carnarvon, the media frenzy that followed was unprecedented.

Wall paintings conservation work being conducted in the burial chamber of the tomb in the spring 2016.

Environmental monitoring outside the Tomb of Tutankhamen

Carter and his team took 10 years to clear the tomb of its treasure because of the multitude of objects found within it. 

The latest project was put in place over fears the tomb was being damaged by the sheer number of tourists visiting.

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