10년 전과 지금의 처참한 지구의 모습 VIDEO: The REAL 10 year challenge: Celebs and charities take over the Instagram sensation by posting...

The REAL 10 year challenge: Celebs and charities take over the Instagram sensation by posting pictures of glaciers reduced to a few bits of ice and bare coral reefs to raise awareness of climate change


Millions of people took part in the #10YearChallenge by posting two photos of themselves a decade apart

Celebrities and charities are using the viral craze to raise awareness over the plight faced by the planet 

Among the striking images are pictures of glaciers reduced to a few bits of slushy ice and bleached corals


10년 전과 지금의 처참한 지구의 모습 

   유명인사들와 환경자선단체들은 곤경에 빠진 지구의 환경 인식을 높이기 위해 SNS를 통해 알리는 데 노력하고 있다.

그들은 지구가 얼마나 많이 변화했는지에 대한 사진을 보여주고 있다.

놀라운 이미지들 중에는 빙하가 몇 조각의 얼음으로 줄어들었고 한때는 색이 화려한 산호초들이 표백한 황무지로 줄어들었다.

자신들이 얼마나 많이 변했는지 보여주기 위해 10년 간격으로 두 장의 사진을 비교해 올리면서 현재 그들은 그 시간 동안 지구가 얼마나 많이 변화했는지에 보여주고 있다. 

[다보스포럼] "44년간 척추동물 60%가 사라졌다"


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 16:57 GMT, 22 January 2019 | UPDATED: 17:15 GMT, 

Celebrities and eco-charities are using viral craze on social media to raise awareness over the plight of the planet.

Millions of people have been taking part in the #10YearChallenge by posting two photos of themselves a decade apart to show how much they've changed. 

Now they are publishing photos of how much the Earth has changed over that time.

Among the more striking images are pictures of glaciers reduced to a few bits of ice and once colourful thriving reefs reduced to a wasteland of bleached coral.

Millions of people have been taking part in the #10YearChallenge by posting two photos of themselves a decade apart to show how much they've changed. Now they are publishing photos of how much the Earth has changed over that time. Here, a photo shows the effect of the plastic crisis 

Going in a more serious direction, people are posting pictures to highlight how much the face of our planet has been altered in just ten years. This slide image shows the difference between a colourful coral reef next to sea bed where climate change has caused coral bleaching

International eco-charity Greenpeace was one of the first environmental organisations to jump on the trending hashtag.

It shared two photographs highlighting the effect of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

The eye-opening images show the difference between the leafy green Amazon rainforest ten years ago, and its relative nakedness today. 

Social media users are now using the challenge for a much more important reason - to warn people of the threat of global warming. This image though, is not taken ten years apart but one hundred years apart

Users on Twitter have responded saying that viral trend is 'the saddest you'll see' and the 'only 10 year challenge we need to think about'.

Greenpeace posted a pair of pictures of the Amazon rainforest ten years ago (left) and today. Increased temperatures and droughts are taking their toll on the Amazon as trees are unable to adapt to the changing climate

Images  of a starving polar bear resulted in public outcry about human impacts on the natural world. Pictured, an emancipated polar bear (right) stumbling through a terrain devoid of snow and ice next to an image of a healthy polar bear taken in 2009



