중국, 세계 최대 아치형 철도교량 연결 성공 VIDEO; Railway arch bridge with world's longest span built in SW China

Railway arch bridge with world's longest span built in SW China

by Xinhua Dec 11, 2018

China has built a four-lane railway arch bridge with the longest span in the world across the Nujiang River in the country’s southwest Yunnan Province.

China has built the world’s longest-spanning railway arch bridge across the Nujiang River in the country’s southwestern Yunnan Province. China News Service


중국, 세계 최대 아치형 철도교량 연결 성공

[지난기사] 2018-12-15

  토목 굴기로 기술력을 뽐내던 중국이 이번에는 세계 최대 아치형 철도교량으로 저력을 과시했습니다.

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<정윈촨 / 윈난-구이린 철도회사 관계자> “이번 연결에 성공한 4차선 철도 교량의 폭과 지지력은 일반 철도 교량의 폭과 지지력을 훨씬 능가합니다. 이번 프로젝트는 세계 철도 교량 건설 역사상 전례가 없는 일입니다.”

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연합뉴스TV 김효섭입니다.

edited by kcontents

Completed on Monday morning, the bridge is 1,024 metres long and nearly 25 metres wide. With a single span of 490 metres, it can accommodate four parked trains at the same time, said Yu Changbin, a project manager with the China Railway Construction Corporation.

"As the bridge is situated in the gorge of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and affected by a high-intensity seismic belt, it was much more demanding in both breadth and bearing capacity than ordinary railway bridges," Yu said. "There is no precedent for building such a huge bridge station," he continued

To complete the bridge, 922 steel poles of various sizes - each weighing around 100 tonnes - and 800,000 bolts had to be assembled around 230 metres above the Nujiang River.

China has built the world’s longest-spanning railway arch bridge across the Nujiang River in the country’s southwestern Yunnan Province. China News Service

"The technical difficulty and risks are both very rare," Yu said.

The bridge forms a key part of the 220-km-long Dali-Ruili railway, which is a key section of the China-Myanmar international railway corridor that links Kunming, the provincial capital of Yunnan, with Yangon, the capital of Myanmar.

Upon completion of the Dali-Ruili railway, the transport time between the two cities will be cut from six hours to two.

The bridge has not been officially recognised by Guinness World Records yet. According to them, the Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, which opened in May 1997, is the world's longest suspension-bridge span for combined road/railway traffic, with a main span of 1,377m.



