알래스카 휘티어 VIDEO: Whittier, Alaska

Whittier, Alaska

  Whittier is a city at the head of the Passage Canal in the U.S. state of Alaska, about 58 miles southeast of Anchorage.[5] The city is within the Valdez–Cordova Census Area. At the 2010 census the population was 220, up from 182 in 2000. The 2016 estimate was 214 people, almost all of whom live in a single building.[6] Whittier is also a port for the Alaska Marine Highway.


알래스카 휘티어 Whittier, Alaska

미국 캘리포니아주(州) 남부의 주택지이며 공업도시.

   푸엔테 구릉의 기슭에 있으며, 로스앤젤레스 남동쪽 20km 지점에 있는 주택지역이다. 1887년 아이오와·일리노이·인디애나 등지에서 온 퀘이커교도들에 의해 건설되었으며, 지명은 시인 존 G. 휘티어(John G. Whittier)를 기념하여 지어졌다. 

제2차 세계대전 전에는 감귤류·아보카도·호두 등을 산출하는 농업지대였으나, 전후 기계·화학·항공기부품·자동차부품·석유 펌프·철강 공업이 발달하였다. 확장된 로스앤젤레스 대도시권의 일부이다. 주립역사공원에는 캘리포니아 최후의 멕시코인 총독 피오 피카(Pio Pica)의 저택이 부분적으로 복원되어 있다. 리처드 M. 닉슨(Richard M. Nixon) 대통령의 모교인 휘티어대학(1887)과 리오혼도대학(1960)이 있다. 북서부의 로즈힐 기념공원은 미국 최대의 묘지 중 하나이다. 1898년 시(市)가 되었다. 


하나의 도시에 하나의 건물 비기치 타워(Begich Towers)

휘티어에는 217명이 살고 있는 마을이 있고 모든 사람은 같은 14층 건물에 살고 있다. 이 작은 도시에는 학교, 병원, 교회, 식료품점이 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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The region occupied by Whittier was once part of the portage route of the Chugach people native to Prince William Sound. Later, the passage was used by Russian and American explorers, and by prospecting miners during the gold rush.[5] The nearby Whittier glacier was named for American poet John Greenleaf Whittier in 1915, and the town eventually took the name as well.

During World War II, the United States Army constructed a military facility, complete with port and railroad near Whittier Glacier and named the facility Camp Sullivan. The spur of the Alaska Railroad to Camp Sullivan was completed in 1943 and the port became the entrance for United States soldiers into Alaska.[9]


Whittier, Alaska/google map

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Begich Towers

The two buildings that dominate the town were built after World War II. The 14-story Hodge Building (renamed Begich Towers) was completed in 1957 and contains 150 two- and three-bedroom apartments plus bachelor efficiency units. Dependent families and Civil Service employees were moved into this high-rise. The Whittier School was connected by a tunnel at the base of the west tower so students could safely access school on days with bad weather. The building was named in honor of Colonel Walter William Hodge, who was a civil engineer and the commanding officer of 93rd Engineer Regiment on the Alcan Highway.[10]

There is a town in Alaska with 217 residents and everybody lives in the same 14 story building. It includes a school, hospital, church, and grocery store /npr.org

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The other main structure in town, the Buckner Building, was completed in 1953, and was called the "city under one roof". The Buckner Building was eventually abandoned. Buckner and Begich Towers were at one time the largest buildings in Alaska. The Begich Building became a condominium, and along with the two-story private residence known as Whittier Manor, houses a majority of the town's residents.

The port at Whittier was an active Army facility until 1960. In 1962, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers constructed a petroleum products terminal, a pumping station and a 62-mile-long (100 km), 8-inch (200 mm) pipeline to Anchorage in Whittier.[12][13]

On March 28, 1964, Whittier suffered over $10 million worth of damage in what became known as the Good Friday earthquake. As of 2016, the earthquake remains the largest U.S. earthquake, measuring 9.2 on the moment magnitude scale, and having caused tsunamis along the West Coast of the U.S. The tsunami that hit Whittier reached a height of 13 m (43 ft) and killed 13 people.[14]

Whittier harbour

Smithsonian Magazine

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Whittier was incorporated in 1969 and eventually became a port of call for cruise ships. It is utilized by local operations and about 100-passenger mid-sized cruise ships. When the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel opened to public access in 2000, it became the first highway to connect Whittier to Anchorage and inner Alaska—previously, the only ways to reach the town had been rail, boat and plane.

After the tunnel expanded access to Whittier, it began to be visited by larger cruise lines. It is the embarkation/debarkation point of one-way cruises from Anchorage to Vancouver by Princess Tours.[16] Whittier is also popular with tourists, photographers, outdoor enthusiasts, paddlers, hikers, sport fishermen, and hunters because of its abundance of wildlife and natural beauty.[17] Whittier is located within the Chugach National Forest, the second-largest national forest in the U.S.

Whittier is in the Chugach School District and has one school serving approximately 38 students from preschool through high school, according to the 2015–2016 enrollment numbers.

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