발랄한 마클 vs 서민적 케이트...눈에 띄게 공개되는 영국 왕실 VIDEO: Markle sparkle v. country Kate: Two very telling cards...and deliciously, says JAN MOIR, they reveal all you need to know about the different wives of Windsor

Markle sparkle v. country Kate: Two very telling cards...and deliciously, says JAN MOIR, they reveal all you need to know about the different wives of Windsor


PUBLISHED: 22:03 GMT, 14 December 2018 | UPDATED: 22:19 GMT, 14 December 2018

Time to drop a deep curtsey in the direction of your letter box and give thanks for the annual arrival of the Royal Christmas cards. 

          Let us consider the evidence: First, William and Kate. In the grounds of Anmer Hall, their country home in 

          Norfolk, the couple have gone for a casual, autumnal theme for their Christmas card





발랄한 마클 vs 서민적 케이트...눈에 띄게 공개되는 영국 왕실

케임브리지 공작과 서섹스 공작가의 모습들

   두 개의 매우 민감한 카드...그리고 흥미롭게도 잰 무어는 그들은 당신이 알고 싶어하는 윈저의 다른 아내들에 모든 것을 드러내고 있다고 말한다.

매년 윈저 일가는 자신의 사진이 있는 축제 인사 카드를 보낸다.

공식적이든 비공식적이든, 왕실의 의무를 수행하든, 집에서 휴식을 취하든, 이 카드는 왕족들이 자신을 어떻게 보느냐에 대한 중요한 메시지를 전달한다.

그리고 케임브리지 공작과 서섹스 공작은 올해 유난히 눈에 띄는 모습들은 공개하고 있다

나무에 대고 포즈를 취하면서 청바지와 목재 잭 셔츠, 그리고 파란 색조의 털복숭이 점퍼들이 그들을 궁극적인 보덴 가족처럼 보이게 만들었다.

그들의 아이들의 팔 주위에 포동포동한 작은 손을 꼭 잡고 있는 가운데, 케임브리지 공작과 공작부인은 편안하고 진심으로 행복해 보인다. 

조지 왕자는 건방지고 장난기가 많고, 샬롯 공주는 달콤한 장난꾸러기지만, 루이스 왕자는 사랑스런 포옹 속에서 미소 짓고 있는 사랑의 부처다.

그들의 모습은 거부할 수 없는 이미지로, 우리가 명랑하고, 만족하며, 평범한 가족이라는 인상을 준다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Each year, prominent members of the Windsor clan send out festive greetings cards featuring a photograph of themselves on the front.

Whether the pose is formal or informal, be they performing royal duties or relaxing at home, the cards impart an important message as to how the royals see themselves or – more crucially – how they wish to be seen.

And this year’s efforts from the households of the Duke of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex offer some eyeball-whirling revelations.

Posing against a tree trunk, all the gang have come out to play in their freshly pressed Saturday casuals; a selection of jeans, lumberjack shirts and woolly jumpers in blue hues that make them look like the ultimate Boden family.

With their children’s arms around them, chubby little hands gripping on tight, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge look relaxed and truly, deeply happy. 

Prince George is being cheeky and playful, Princess Charlotte is sweetly mischievous, while Prince Louis is just a warm hug of adorable; a Buddha of love beaming away in Mummy’s safe embrace. 


         In contrast to the Cambridges’ manifestation of cosy domesticity, the Sussexes have released a stylised, 

         glamorous image from their Frogmore wedding reception

Theirs is an irresistible image; one that says we are cheerful, we are content, we are an ordinary family – just like you.

Of course, this is a total fiction in almost every way. Every vestige of privilege and nobility has been carefully sandblasted from this picture; including the mighty Georgian splendour of Anmer Hall itself, complete with swimming pool and tennis court, which is just out of shot. 

There is no ostentation, precious little affectation and an evident horror of being seen as high-born or – shudder – wealthy.

Even darling little Charlotte has been shoehorned into one of George’s old cast-offs; the navy cardigan he wore when posing with the Queen for her 90th birthday portrait and indisputable proof of Kate’s thriftiness.


           Prince George is being cheeky and playful (left), Princess Charlotte is sweetly mischievous (right)

The duke and duchess have taken pains to look like Mr and Mrs Utterly Ordinary and bless them for that. 

We know that off camera, an army of silent staff are attending to needs, while an aide is palming a fiver into the hand of the hairdresser who did Kate’s Downhome Duchess blow dry.

I also suspect Granny Carol is making smoked salmon canapes in the kitchen and chilling the weekend champagne, while Spanish Nanny In The Hat has finished boil washing the princely nappies and begun coddling eggs for the nursery tea.

Yet despite the insistence on the modest and the humble in this image, there is something vivid and genuine about Kate and William’s choice of Christmas card. 

Here, we can see clearly that they are a couple who prize their hearthside, who put family first and who look out at the world with a confident and warm gaze.

Meanwhile Harry and Meghan – oh lawks, where on earth to begin?

In contrast to the Cambridges’ manifestation of cosy domesticity, the Sussexes have released a stylised, glamorous image from their Frogmore wedding reception. 

One that wouldn’t look out of place in the pages of Vogue. Or as an advertising poster for Berkshire’s number one wedding photographer, at the very least. 

The arty black and white shot finds Harry and Meghan silhouetted against the lake, watching the lavish fireworks display that was part of their celebrations. She is in her Stella McCartney white gown, he is in evening dress. 


         Charles and Camilla look like they have just grabbed five minutes on a park bench. They are not trying to 

         impart any message

Well, we presume that he is, as the couple have their backs to the camera. That’s right. Their BACKS.

Remarkably, for their first Christmas card as man and wife, Meghan and Harry have chosen to present their exclusive coupledom as a fortress; impregnable, absolute, a bulwark against the public gaze.

Harry might as well have pinned a notice on to his dinner jacket shoulders saying ‘Keep Out’. 

What an odd image to put on a festive card and expect it to be displayed on a mantelpiece. It’s so unwelcoming, so chilly, so very, very an advert for Tiffany wedding rings.

And to be honest, it is not a very good image. It doesn’t even look like Harry. Who is that bloke? He looks too bulky, as if he were wearing a Beast fat suit to escort his Beauty down to the lakeside. 

What’s going on with his left leg? It looks like a banana. And he appears to have grown a cupola on his head.

That is why it is quite a relief to turn to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall’s easy-going Christmas card 

Meghan is clinging on to him like a barnacle on a boat, like only she knows how. This is all about the exclusivity of their romance and indeed, their very existence.

Look at us, no don’t look at us, they seem to be saying. 

Over recent months, this appears to sum up their attitude to the public, to the courtiers who toil on their behalf and even perhaps to the rest of the Royal Family. 

They have the privilege and the perks, the deference and the position, but they don’t always want the public engagement that goes with the territory.

So here they are, backs to the world, beating on against the tide. In essence this card is a celebration of themselves; a couple who relish being trapped in their own interior drama. It is Harry and Meghan against the world, and don’t you ever forget it.

You don’t need to be a mystic to read the optics and understand the subliminal messages that embellish each of these royal images – why, they couldn’t be clearer if they were branded on with hot irons!

          That is why it is quite a relief to turn to the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall’s easy-going Christmas card.

Charles and Camilla look like they have just grabbed five minutes on a park bench. They are not trying to impart any message. 

They don’t give a damn. Camilla is probably dying for a gasper. Charles looks chuffed, as well he might. 2018 has been a memorable year with a landmark birthday, all passed without scandal or indignity.

This couple once carried their own storm around with them for years, now they have sailed into a calm harbour. And it shows.

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