헬리콥터 이야기 VIDEO: Helicopter Tree Sawing In The MD 500/ 12 MOST EXPENSIVE HELICOPTERS IN THE WORLD
#1 Helicopter Tree Sawing In The MD 500
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Helicopter Pilot Jobs Tree Sawing In The MD Helicopters MD 500. From Kenny Keller Creator Of Helicopter Online Ground School and Author of the Amazon Best Seller Helicopter Check Ride. Hello I'm Kenny Keller, the creator of Helicopter Online Ground School and author of the book, Helicopter Check Ride. I had the privilege to go see one of my former students that started out with me over ten years ago, as a new kid right out of high school. Now he's a helicopter tree saw pilot. I spent two days watching him and his partner work the operation, the helicopter tree sawing and it was absolutely amazing. These guys work awesome together as a team. They work a crazy schedule, twenty-eight days, twenty-eight days off. They work really hard while they are away from their families and then they get a break and get to go home for twenty-eight days.
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Helicopters are a special kind of transport. They allow not only to travel through the air, but also to get to the most remote corners, where the aircraft can neither sit down nor take off. Mostly wealthy people, who want to get to the designated place in a short time, move by helicopters. This is very important for large cities with constant traffic jams. Today we will show you the 12 most expensive helicopters in the world.