한강변 나무 뿌리처럼 뻗은 독특한 루트 벤치 'Root Bench' Clever Wood Bench Sprawls Out Like the Roots of a Tree in South Korea
Clever Wood Bench Sprawls Out Like the Roots of a Tree in South Korea
By Jessica Stewart on December 2, 2018
In a public park in Seoul, South Korea, an elaborate network of wooden benches spreads out like the roots of a tree. Based on his winning design from the Hangang Art Competition, Yong Ju Lee has created an artistic and functional piece of public furniture for all to enjoy. Known as Root Bench, this network of benches with a nearly 100-foot (30 meter) diameter is composed of wood “roots” that spider out at different elevations.
Yong Ju Lee - Root Bench
Photo: Yong Ju Lee Architecture
한강변 나무 뿌리처럼 뻗은 독특한 루트 벤치 이용주씨, 한강아트전 수상 작품 서울의 한 공원에는 나무 뿌리처럼 정교한 나무 벤치가 펼쳐진다. 이용주씨는 한강아트전에서 수상한 디자인을 바탕으로 모두가 즐길 수 있는 예술적이고 기능적인 공공 시설을 만들었다. 루트 벤치라고 알려진, 지름이 거의 30m 에 달하는 이 벤치 네트워크는 다른 높이에서 나오는 거미줄 형태의 나무 "뿌리"로 구성되어 있다. 목재 데크에 덮인 강철 프레임은 아동용 의자, 성인용 의자, 식탁 등에 각각 다른 높이로 되어 있다 이 디자인은 잔디와 어우러진된 방식으로 벤치의 방사형 형태를 생성하는 컴퓨터 알고리즘의 결과물이다. 이 기발한 디자인은 대중들에게 휴식 공간을 제공하고 동시에 많은 사용자들이 너무 붐비는 것처럼 보이지 않게 한다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
A steel frame covered in wood decking provides public furniture at three different heights—a children’s chair, an adult chair, and a table. The organic design is the result of a computer algorithm that generated the radial form of the benches in a manner that blends with the grassy background. The ingenious design provides a welcome place of respite for the public and allows for many users at the same time without seeming overcrowded.
Intended to blur the lines between a man-made installation and the natural environment, Yong Ju Lee’s design is as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional. At night, lighting under the elevated portions provides a measure of security and warmth to the space, ensuring that Root Bench can be used day and night. Whether looking to sprawl out or enjoy a picnic with a friend, the public can take advantage of Root Bench as an oasis in the bustling city.
The project is the perfect example of Yong Ju Lee’s practice, which focuses on “geometric experiment as a primary creative and aesthetic gesture of building.” His keen interest in geometry and tessellation shines through in Root Bench and demonstrates how new technology can be used effectively to create minimally invasive, organic architecture.
Root Bench is a network of benches (with a nearly 100-foot diameter) that sprawls across a public park in Seoul, South Korea.

Photo: Yong Ju Lee Architecture

Photo: Kyungsub Shin
Different elevations let visitors enjoy the unique bench in a variety of ways.

Photo: Kyungsub Shin

Photo: Kyungsub Shin

Photo: Kyungsub Shin
Lighting below the benches allows the public furniture to be used around the clock.

Photo: Kyungsub Shin

Photo: Kyungsub Shin

Photo: Kyungsub Shin
Yong Ju Lee used a computer algorithm to create Root Bench‘s organic form.

Photo: Kyungsub Shin

Photo: Kyungsub Shin
Yong Ju Lee Architecture: Website | Facebook | Instagram
h/t: [archdaily]