미국항공우주국(NASA), "외계인 이미 지구 다녀갔다" VIDEO: Aliens among us? Earth may have already been visited, or is currently an ET hotspot, NASA scientist suggests

Aliens among us? Earth may have already been visited, or is currently an ET hotspot, NASA scientist suggests

The recent discovery of a planetary system thought to be more than twice as old as our own should make us reconsider whether an alien race advanced beyond our comprehension has already visited Earth – or maybe even remains here now, undetected.



미국항공우주국(NASA), "외계인 이미 지구 다녀갔다" 

나사 에임스 연구 센터 실바노 P. 콜롬바노 교수

미확인비행물체(UFO) 다양한 가능성 염두에 둬야

   미국항공우주국(NASA)의 한 과학자가 “외계인은 이미 지구에 방문했을 수 있다”는 내용의 연구 논문을 발표했다. 나사는 미국의 비군사적인 우주개발을 모두 관할하고 종합적인 우주계획을 추진하는 연구기관으로 외계인에 관한 연구도 하고 있다. 


3일(현지시간) 폭스뉴스에 따르면 나사 에임스 연구 센터의 실바노 P. 콜롬바노 교수는 ‘SETI 연구를 위한 새로운 가정’이라는 제목의 연구 보고서에서 “우리는 외계인이 이미 지구를 방문했을 가능성이 있음을 인정해야 하며 미확인비행물체(UFO)에 대해서도 다양한 가능성을 열어두고 연구해야 한다”고 밝혔다. SETI 프로젝트는 우주에 인간처럼 발전된 문명을 가진 외계 생명체가 있을 것이라고 생각하고 과학자들이 이들을 찾는 활동이다.   

콜롬바노는 “외계의 지적 생명체들은 인간과 같이 탄소를 기반으로 하는 유기체에 의해 생성되지 않았을 수 있다”며 “지구를 찾아온 외계 탐험가들은 매우 작은 크기지만 초지능적인 개체일 수 있다”고 말했다.   

Space (file picture) Source: istock.com

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콜롬바노는 또한 외계인은 인간이 아직 이해할 수 없는 기술을 알아내 행성 간 여행을 하고 있을 수 있다며 “다양한 형태의 생명에 대해 가정을 한다면 행성 간 여행에 대한 깊이 있는 연구를 진행할 수 있다”고 봤다. 이어 “UFO에서 보내는 신호가 아무리 작을지라도 이로 인해 일어나는 현상들은 부인할 수 없다”고 덧붙였다.   


그는 “외계인에 대해 좀 더 유연한 태도를 가질 필요가 있다. 외계 생명체들이 인간과 비슷한 조건일 것이라는 보수적인 시각은 우리가 그들과 마주할 가능성을 매우 희박하게 만든다”며 “SETI 연구에 지금보다 공격적인 접근 방법이 필요하다”고 역설했다.  

이가영 기자 lee.gayoung1@joongang.co.kr  중앙일보

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That’s the pitch NASA scientist Silvano P. Colombano recently made in a research paper that recommends “a new, more ‘aggressive’ approach” to the US space agency’s search for extra-terrestrial life.

“Considering…that technological development in our civilization started only about 10K years ago and has seen the rise of scientific methodologies only in the past 500 years, we can surmise that we might have a real problem in predicting technological evolution even for the next thousand years, let alone 6 Million times that amount!” wrote Mr Colombano, who works at the NASA Ames Research Center in California.

“In light of these numbers, I think we need to re-visit even our most cherished assumptions (that) interstellar travel is impossible or highly unlikely.“

While distance and energy, and our own understanding of physics, makes such travel impossible for us, there is still plenty of room for “control of matter-energy and space-time” to have evolved in older societies, he posed.

Other assumptions that need to be questioned, he said, are that intelligent civilisations would be based on carbon life like us and that we’ll be able to detect them via our current method of scanning the cosmos for radio waves.

While it’s possible that a more advanced alien civilisation would continue to use radio waves to communicate, their radio waves could be packed with so much information scientists could be receiving them now and wouldn’t be able to distinguish it from “noise”, he theorised.

And a quick glance at the past 50 years of computer evolution on earth shows that “our form of life and intelligence may just be a tiny first step in a continuing evolution”, Mr Colombano wrote, suggesting that other civilisations might have shed the “carbon machinery” humans rely on for sentience.

He also suggested that NASA not put all of its energy into examining the so-called Golidlocks planets – those considered most similar to Earth – discovered in recent years.

“While it is still reasonable and conservative to assume that life is most likely to have originated in conditions similar to ours, the vast time differences in potential evolutions render the likelihood of ‘matching’ technologies very slim,” he said.

                Alien news: Nasa says we may have already been visited by aliens (Image: GETTY)

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The paper encourages NASA to have more of an open mind to “speculative physics… with some willingness to stretch possibilities as to the nature of space-time and energy”; to direct technologists to look at “how technology might evolve… and symbiosis of biology with machines”; to have sociologists prepare us for what to expect from more advanced societies; and to take UFO reports more seriously.

“It seems to me that SETI has ignored (at least officially) the potential relevance of UFO phenomena,” he wrote, referring to the acronym for the “search for extraterrestrial intelligence”.

One of the reasons, he acknowledged, is “the very high likelihood of hoaxes, mistaken perceptions or even psychotic events”. But if scientists sort through all the “noise” with an eye for the “phenomena that cannot be explained or denied…we could start some serious inquiry”.




