IMD '2018 세계 인재 평가' 국가 순위...한국은? VIDEO: Announcing the IMD World Talent Ranking 2018
Announcing the IMD World Talent Ranking 2018
In November 2018, IMD published the fifth edition of the annual World Talent Report. The report covers all 63 countries in the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook.
Download the IMD World Talent Ranking 2018
IMD '2018 세계 인재 평가' 국가 순위 스위스 국제경영개발대학원(IMD) 발표 한국 인재경쟁력 지수 100점 만점에 62.32점 조사 대상 63개국 가운데 33위 기록 2015년 32위, 2016년 38위 2017년 39위 스위스 덴마크 노르웨이 1~3위 차지 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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IMD World Talent Ranking 2018 in brief
The IMD World Talent Ranking is based on countries’ performance in three main categories — investment and development, appeal and readiness. The three categories assess how countries perform in a wide range of areas. These include education, apprenticeships, workplace training, language skills, cost of living, quality of life, remuneration and tax rates.
Hard data and responses to the IMD Executive Opinion Survey are used to produce the ranking. The latter annual survey compiles input from over six thousand executives based in 63 different economies.
Western Europe leads, Eastern Europe lags, North America gives strong performance
This year, Switzerland once again confirms its role as an important global talent hub. It ranks 4th in Investment and Development, and 1st in both the Appeal and Readiness factors. In addition, several European countries fall within the 25 most competitive with respect to talent. Belgium (11th), Cyprus (15th), Portugal (17th), Ireland (21st), United Kingdom (23rd), and France (25th) complete this list.
Switzerland tops the talent ranking for the fifth consecutive year confirming its role as an important global talent hub. It ranks 4th in Investment and Development, and 1st in both the Appeal and Readiness factors.
Denmark ranks 2nd in the overall ranking.
Norway joins the top three, advancing four places with respect to last year, thanks to an improvement in indicators such as public expenditure on education and the readiness of its talent pool.