사우디-바레인 연결 해상교량 입찰 착수 VIDEO: Saudi-Bahrain causeway consultancy tender opens

Saudi-Bahrain causeway consultancy tender opens

by Jack Ball on Nov 13, 2018 

Bahrain’s King Fahd Causeway Authority (KFCA) is inviting bids from transaction advisory services consultants to implement the transition phase of the 25km King Hamad Causeway project.

King Hamad Causeway will run parallel to the King Fahd Causeway (pictured). /MEED


사우디-바레인 연결 해상교량 입찰 착수

컨설턴트 부문

  사우디와 바레인을 연결하는 킹 파드 해상교량은 25km의 하맛 코즈웨이 프로젝트의 단계별 건설 구현을 위해 자문 서비스인 컨설턴트들의 입찰을 받고 있다.

KFCA는 입찰 조건에서 입찰자는 법적, 기술적, 재정적 자문으로 구성된 컨소시엄의 형태를 취할 것이라고 말했다. 자격조건은 컨소시엄 리더로 활동하며 "전세계 주요 교통 프로젝트를 위한 공공-민간 파트너십(PPP) 재무 실적"을 달성한 "인정받은 국제 금융 컨설팅 회사"여야 한다.

회사는 또한 사우디나 바레인에 등록된 회사여야 하며, 국제 입찰자들은 수주 통지일로부터 180일 이내에 필요한 등록을 완료하기 위한 이행서를 제출해야 한다.

사우디, 40억 불 규모 바레인 연결 킹하마드 해상교량 건설 추진 

Construction to begin on $4bn Saudi-Bahrain causeway in 2021


edited by kcontents

Under the tender, KFCA said, the transaction advisor will take the form of consortium, made up of a legal, technical, and financial advisors. The latter will act as the consortium leader and should be a "recognised international financial consultancy firm" with “proven experience in accomplishing public-private partnership (PPP) financial close for major transportation projects worldwide".

The company must also be a registered corporate in either Saudi Arabia or Bahrain, with international bidders required to submit a commitment letter to complete the required registration within 180 days of the award notification date.

As stipulated in a separate tender qualification document, the financial advisor must have advised on a minimum of three PPP projects in the last five years. In one instance, it must have acted as a government advisor, with work on a “major infrastructure project” also required.

KFCA said 21 February 2019 is the deadline submission date, adding that a minimum of 2% bid bond valid for 90 days from the tender submission date must also be provided.


edited by kcontents

The news comes just four weeks after Saudi and Bahraini Government officials announced that a tender for consultancy services to manage the transition phase of the project would be issued imminently, as reported by Construction Week last month.

Work on the bridge, estimated to cost between $3bn (BHD1.1bn; SAR11.2bn) and $4bn (BHD1.5bn; SAR15bn), will start in mid-2021 and take approximately three years to complete.

A preliminary economic feasibility study and initial design work for the project has been completed, paving the way for its implementation phase.



