이제 미국 원정 출산 불가능해진다 VIDEO: Donald Trump’s new citizenship crackdown has one glaring flaw
Donald Trump’s new citizenship crackdown has one glaring flaw
THERE’S a rather glaring problem with President Donald Trump’s idea to crack down on America’s citizenship rules.
Sam Clench@SamClench
Donald Trump wants to abolish birthright citizenship
DONALD Trump has a radical new idea to crack down on illegal immigrants.
At the moment, if the child of a non-citizen is born in the United States, that child is guaranteed
American citizenship.
이제 미국 원정 출산 불가능해진다 트럼프 “미국서 태어났다고 시민권 안 준다” 출생시민권 폐지 추진 실현되면 원정 출산도 불가능해져 ‘불법 이민자 자녀에겐 시민권 안 줘’
도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 미국 땅에서 태어난 아이에게 자동으로 시민권을 부여하는 제도를 폐지하겠다고 나서 논란이 예상된다. 트럼프 대통령은 30일(현지시간) 미국 인터넷매체 악시오스와의 인터뷰에서 시민권이 없는 사람이나 불법 이민자가 미국에서 낳은 자녀에게 시민권을 주는 헌법상 권리를 폐지하는 행정명령에 서명하는 방안을 검토 중이라고 밝혔다. 트럼프 대통령은 인터뷰에서 “미국은 어떤 사람이 입국해서 아기를 낳으면, 그 아이는 본질적으로 미국의 모든 혜택을 누리는 시민이 되는 세계에서 유일한 국가다. 이는 말도 안 된다. 이제 끝내야 한다”라고 말했다. Al Jazeera edited by kcontents 트럼프 대통령은 중간선거를 앞두고 보수층 표를 공략하고자 전략적으로 ‘반이민’ 카드를 내지르고 있다. 이번 발언도 중미 아메리카 이민자 행렬(캐러밴)을 저지하는 것과 함께 같은 취지의 전략으로 보인다. 미국에서는 수정헌법 제 14조가 보장하는 권리인 ‘출생시 자동 시민권’을 행정부 수반인 대통령이 행정명령으로 철폐할 수 있는지를 둘러싸고 위헌 논란이 일고 있다. 트럼프 대통령은 위헌 등 법적 쟁점과 관련, 자신의 자문단이 검토한 결과 이 사안을 의회의 법안 처리를 통해 명확히 처리할 수도 있지만, 행정명령으로도 할 수 있다고 조언했다고 설명했다. 트럼프 대통령의 구상대로 출생시민권 제도가 폐지되면 미국 원정출산도 불가능해질 전망이다. 오달란 기자 dallan@seoul.co.kr 서울신문 http://m.seoul.co.kr/news/newsView.php?id=20181030500186&cp=seoul#csidx10c5a68a493a63189287adb899e23f6 |
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Mr Trump wants to remove that right.
He flagged the dramatic move in an interview with Axios today.
“We’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States,” Mr Trump said.
“It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous. And it has to end.”
His claim that America is the “only country” with birthright citizenship is not correct. There are in fact 30 nations which grant it, including Canada, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. Most of them are in Central and South America.
Don’t ask me why he said it. Like many Trumpian fibs, this one was weird and seemingly pointless.
However, putting that aside, the President’s idea to limit birthright citizenship is actually fairly mainstream.
The Daily Beast
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Australia scrapped its own right as part of a broader citizenship overhaul in 2007. Britain, France and Germany top a long list of Western countries without one.
The thing that makes Mr Trump’s plan borderline insane is the fact that he can’t implement it. It’s probably a gigantic waste of time.
At the moment, the children of illegal immigrants have a right to American citizenship. Pic: iStockSource:istock
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“It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don’t,” Mr Trump said.
“You can definitely do it with an act of Congress. But now they’re saying I can do it just with an executive order.”
Yeah. He can’t.
The 14th amendment of America’s constitution, which was originally implemented to grant former slaves citizenship, says “all persons born or naturalised in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside”.
That statement was tested, and strengthened, by a Supreme Court ruling all the way back in 1898. There is more than a century of legal precedent supporting it.
If Mr Trump were to sign an executive order redefining birthright citizenship, it would undoubtedly be challenged in court. The same thing would happen if Congress passed legislation to the same effect.
In either case, he would lose.
“Sometimes the constitution’s text is plain as day and bars what politicians seek to do. That’s the case with President Trump’s proposal,” lawyers George Conway and Neal Katyal wrote for the Washington Post today.
Mr Conway is the husband of senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway.
“Such a move would be unconstitutional and would certainly be challenged. And the challengers would undoubtedly win,” they said.
“Our constitution is a bipartisan document, designed to endure for ages. Its words have meaning that cannot be wished away.”
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