방탄소년단, 유엔서 뭉클한 메시지 VIDEO: BTS on the Launch of the #GenUnlimited Youth Strategy
BTS on the Launch of the #GenUnlimited Youth Strategy
Korean pop-group BTS visits the United Nations to launch the new Youth Strategy.
A world in which the human rights of every young person are realized; that ensures every young person is empowered to achieve their full potential; and that recognizes young people’s agency, resilience and their positive contributions as agents of change.
방탄소년단, 유엔서 뭉클한 메시지 "나만의 목소리를 내주세요" 유엔총회서 유니세프 청년어젠다 행사…그룹리더 RM, 7분간 연설 구테흐스 유엔사무총장·김용 세계은행총재 등 참석 "저는 김남준입니다. 단점도 많고 두려움도 많습니다. 여러분들의 이름은 무엇입니까. 무엇이 당신의 심장을 뛰게 합니까. 자신의 목소리를 내주세요. 조금씩 자신을 사랑하는 방법을 배워 나갑시다" 세계적인 케이팝 그룹 방탄소년단(BTS)이 젊은 세대를 대표하는 아이콘으로서 24일(현지시간) 유엔총회 무대에 섰다. 한국 가수가 유엔총회 행사장에서 연설하는 것은 이번이 처음이다. BTS는 이날 낮 뉴욕 유엔본부 신탁통치이사회 회의장에서 진행된 유엔아동기금(UNICEF·유니세프) 청년 어젠다 '제너레이션 언리미티드'(Generation unlimited) 행사에 참석했다. [전문] http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2018/09/25/0200000000AKR20180925004151072.HTML?input=twitter |
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The Secretary-General tasked his Envoy on Youth, in conjunction with the UN system and youth themselves, to lead development of a UN Youth Strategy. Its aim: scale up global, regional and national actions to meet young people’s needs, realize their rights and tap their possibilities as agents of change.
The strategy is ambitious. It will guide the UN system in stepping up support for the empowerment of young people, while ensuring that the Organization’s work fully benefits from their insights and ideas.
Fans are beyond proud of BTS' UN speech: here's some of the best reactions/sbs.com.au/popasia
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Investment in four areas will consolidate the position of the United Nations as a global leader in engaging with youth. It will become a pioneer of knowledge, a dynamic source of innovation, a catalyst for solutions and a champion of accountability. The strategy’s thematic priority areas reflect all three pillars of the UN system: sustainable development, peace and security, and human rights.
Young people today want the sustainable, peaceful world envisioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Realizing their aspirations depends on realizing their rights—to empowerment and development, participation and choice. They offer 1.8 billion reasons for the United Nations to stand by their side.