애플 우주선 사옥의 4층 높이 카페문 열기 VIDEO:Open air dining at the spaceship: Tim Cook reveals animation of Apple Park's massive four story high cafeteria doors opening

Open air dining at the spaceship: Tim Cook reveals animation of Apple Park's massive four story high cafeteria doors opening

Apple CEO Tim Cook gave a fresh glimpse at the tech giant's 'spaceship' campus

A gif shows the massive, four-story lunchroom doors opening to reveal the cafe

Cook said in a tweet: 'Lunchtime at Apple Park just got a whole lot more exciting'

Apple Park opened last year in Cupertino, California and is a $5 billion campus that can accommodate up to 12,000 employees, also features an Apple Store 


애플 우주선 사옥의 4층 높이 카페문 열기

애플 CEO 팀쿡은 거대한 우주선 캠퍼스의 볼거리 산사했다.

이 GIF영상은 카페를 보여주기 위해 거대한 4층 높이의 런치룸의 문을 일시에 여는 모습을 보여준다

쿡은 트윗에서 "애플파크의 점심시간은 이제 재미로 가득차게 됐다"고 언급했다.

50억불을 들여 건설한 애플파크는 작년 캘리포니아 쿠페르티노에 개관했으며 1만2천명의 

직원을 수용할 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 18:54 BST, 16 August 2018 | UPDATED: 19:57 BST, 16 August 2018

Tim Cook has given a rare glimpse of the stunning four-story doors at Apple's giant 'spaceship' headquarters. 


In a tweet, the Apple CEO shared a gif of Apple Park's massive lunchroom doors, which provide natural ventilation for the site's 4,000 person café. 

Apple Park opened last year in Cupertino, California and is a $5 billion campus that can accommodate 12,000 employees.



