고카트 트랙이 있는 아일랜드의 저택 This Sprawling Irish Estate Puts the ‘Man’ Into Mansion with Its Own Go-Kart Track
This Sprawling Irish Estate Puts the ‘Man’ Into Mansion with Its Own Go-Kart Track
By Chelsea Batten — Posted on August 10, 2018 8:00 am
Around the World
As if we needed one more reason to cut all ties and move to Ireland. When you consider the landscape, the culture, the food, the beer, the liquor (yes, we count those as two separate categories), the healthcare, and now this glorious mansion (emphasis on “man”), the list is getting pret-ty, pret-ty long.
우리가 다른 세상과 연을 끊고 아일랜드로 이주해야 할 이유들
경관, 문화, 음식, 맥주, 주류와 건강관리 그리고 저택에 대한 혜택
중세 바론 성의 특징과 현대적 분위기와 합쳐진 5개의 침실과 621m2(188평)의
주택은 적절히 이름 지어진 머니모어 카운티라는 고유의 특징을 지니고 있다.
*고카트: Go-Kart
Combining all the best features of a medieval baron’s castle and a modern man-cave, this five-bedroom, four-bathroom, 6,900-square-foot home in the appropriately named county of Moneymore features … well, everything you want. We mean everything. Don’t believe us? Keep scrolling.
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