월마트, 고객에 식료품 골라주는 알파봇 시험 중 VIDEO: Walmart tests 'Alphabot' grocery-picking robot that can pick and pack customers' online shopping orders
Walmart tests 'Alphabot' grocery-picking robot that can pick and pack customers' online shopping orders
Walmart announced it's testing grocery-picking robots called 'Alphabots'
They can pick up items for online orders, like dry goods and refrigerated items
The robots then ferry the items to Walmart's associates who deliver them
It marks Walmart's latest effort to improve its online grocery shopping service
월마트, 고객에 식료품 골라주는 알파봇 시험 중 월마트는 고객을 위해 식표품을 골라주는 로봇 알파봇이 시험 중에 있다고 공개했다. 고객이 온라인에서 정한 품목들을 골라내 포장까지 해준다. 단 건조된 것이나 냉장된 것에 한한다 그리고 월마트 배달원에게 전해준다 이는 월마트의 개선된 온라인 배달 서비스를 보여주는 일례이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
PUBLISHED: 23:56 BST, 3 August 2018 | UPDATED: 00:06 BST, 4 August 2018
A robot will soon be able to handle your groceries for you.
Walmart announced Friday that it will soon incorporate automated robotic carts, called Alphabots, in one of its superstores in Salem, New Hampshire.
Alphabots can pick and pack shoppers' online orders and complete otherwise mundane tasks in the hopes of streamlining Walmart's online grocery service.