건설현장 트렌치에 빠진 말 구조 작전 VIDEO: Animal rescue workers free horse trapped in trench in Shadow Hills

A horse became trapped in a construction trench in Shadow Hills on May 8, 2017. (David Crane/SCNG staff)

By JOSH CAIN | jcain@scng.com | Los Angeles Daily News

A Los Angeles County Fire rescue helicopter lifted a horse out of a construction trench in Shadow Hills Tuesday afternoon following an hours-long rescue effort.

Despite the fall, the large white horse named Misty was not hurt in the ordeal, Los Angeles city fire spokesman Brian Humphrey said.

건설현장 트렌치에 빠진 말 구조 작전

LA의 쉐도우힐의 한 건설현장의 트렌치에 말이 떨어져 소방구조대원이 출동하는 소동이 벌어졌다.

소방대원들은 1시간 동안 싱갱이 끝에 말을 묶어 헬리콥터로 구조했다.

Officials at the scene said the horse wandered off a nearby property in the hills east of McBroom Street near 10350 Clybourne Avenue sometime Tuesday morning. The neighborhood is mostly made up of ranches, and is popular with horse riders.

It’s unclear how the horse became trapped in the deep trench built out of cinder blocks and iron bars.

 “Misty” is airlifted by a LAFD helicopter off of a hillside trench in Shadow Hills Tuesday. Misty was spotted trapped on the hill around 10:30 Tuesday morning and was eventually rescued by an airlift by a LAFD helicopter. Misty was unharmed in the ordeal which lasted several hours. ( Photo by David Crane, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

After the animal was found, rescue workers with the city’s Department of Animal Services were called. For several hours, they attempted to get the horse out while keeping it calm.

By 11:50 a.m., ground crews with the city fire department had responded. The fire officials and officers with the animal rescue team determined than an airlift was the safest way to rescue the horse.



