Couple Replaces Wedding Bouquets With Adorable Rescue Puppies Instead 결혼식 부케가 꽃이 아닌 강아지?

Couple Replaces Wedding Bouquets With Adorable Rescue Puppies Instead

By Sara Barnes on February 28, 2018

Wedding with Puppies Photographed by Rebecca Lynne Photography

결혼식 부케가 꽃이 아닌 강아지?

결혼식 커플의 동물사랑 때문에 꽃대신 등장한 강아지들

미 코네티컷 출신의 베키 모카와 남편 존은 열렬 동물 애호가로 결혼식 부케로 

흔한 꽃보다 유기된 강아지로 과감히 대체했다.

이그~~~귀여운 것뜰!

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Weddings have undergone a transformation in recent years, and many couples are putting their own spin on time-honored traditions. In doing this, they showcase their personalities in a way that you just don’t get by following the “rules” of conventional nuptials. Connecticut-based Becky Mochak and her husband John are a perfect example of this; the two are animal lovers incorporated their passion directly into their wedding. They opted against flower bouquets and replaced them with adorable rescue puppies instead.

The decision to have their wedding with puppies was kismet. Becky and John had previously fostered many animals, and when they were in the middle of planning their wedding, they found that their local shelter had a litter of puppies that needed care. “We’ve raised baby piglets and cows before,” they said, “so this can’t be much different!” Becky and John started by taking in two puppies from the litter. They were too young, however, to be left on their own, so the babies accompanied Becky and John on errands for their big day. Not long after, the couple started to foster three more of the puppies. “It was mayhem,” Becky recalled.

When the wedding day arrived, the couple “didn’t think twice” about putting the puppies in the wedding. The ceremony also fell on National Dog Day (August 26), making the decision seem like fate. To commemorate it, photographer Rebecca Lynne captured the wedding party as they each cradled the too-cute canines. Decked out in long dresses and suits, the pups steal the show in the wedding portraits. You can’t help but say “awww” with every photo.

Best of all, the puppies found their forever homes shortly after Becky and John’s wedding. One of the dogs, named Mo, is now living with John’s aunt so the newlyweds can still visit him.

Animal lovers Becky and John replaced the conventional floral bouquets and had their wedding with puppies instead…

Puppies in Wedding

… and the results were adorable!

Wedding with Puppies Photographed by Rebecca Lynne PhotographyPuppies in WeddingPuppies in WeddingWedding with Puppies Photographed by Rebecca Lynne PhotographyPuppies in WeddingWedding with Puppies Photographed by Rebecca Lynne PhotographyWedding with Puppies Photographed by Rebecca Lynne PhotographyRescue Animals in Wedding Photographed by Rebecca Lynne PhotographyPuppies in WeddingRescue Animals in Wedding Photographed by Rebecca Lynne PhotographyRebecca Lynne Photography: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Rebecca Lynne


