신비로운 오리온 대성운 3D 영상 VIDEO: Fly Through Sparkling Orion Nebula in a New 3-D Visualization
경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship2018. 1. 13. 00:20
Fly Through Sparkling Orion Nebula in a New 3-D Visualization
A fresh video shared by NASA allows anyone to take a 3-D tour of the Orion Nebula, which is so bright that it can be seen with the naked eye from anywhere on Earth.
NASA가 공개한 신비로운 오리온 대성운의 새로운 3D 영상
산광(散光) 성운의 하나로 오리온 성좌에 둥글게 퍼져 있는 가스상 대성운.
지구 어디에서라도 육안으로도 보임. 거리는 약 1,500광년
To create this project, astronomers and visualization specialists from NASA's Universe of Learning program used data collected by the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. Two images of the magnificent interstellar cloud were combined and touched-up to make the most detailed visualization of the Orion Nebula three-dimensional.