세계 15개국의 각양각색의 교복 What school uniforms look like in 15 countries around the world

What school uniforms look like in 15 countries around the world

Talia Lakritz

Students in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Pring Samrang/Reuters

The INSIDER Summary:

Students all over the world wear uniforms to school.

Some are traditional garments connected to a country's culture.

Others are simple pleated skirts, slacks, and button-down shirts.

Uniforms may create a sense of community within the walls of a school, but they're definitely not uniform around the world. In some countries, schools require uniforms that connect to the local culture, while other institutions stick to various iterations of pleated skirts, khaki pants, and button-down shirts.

Here's what school uniforms look like in 15 different countries.

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