'외로운 숙박객'을 위하여 Hotel Charleroi Airport has an unusual solution for lonely travellers

Hotel Charleroi Airport has an unusual solution for lonely travellers 

Getty Images/iStockphoto

  호텔 방에서 혼자 하룻밤을 보내기란 여간 외로운 게 아니다.

이에 벨기에의 한 호텔이 외로운 숙박객들을 위해 특별한 '룸서비스'를 준비했다.

매셔블에 의하면 벨기에의 호텔 샤를루아는 숙박객들에게 '금붕어를 빌려주는 서비스'를 제공한다. 하룻밤에 4.50유로를 내면, 숙박객은 수조에 담긴 금붕어를 '빌릴' 수 있다. 호텔 지배인인 데이비드 딜렌은 매셔블에 호텔 샤를루아가 지난 2013년부터 '금붕어 대여 서비스'를 제공해왔다고 밝혔다.

특이한 마케팅임은 분명하지만, 호텔은 동물 학대 논란을 피할 수 없었다. 숙박객이 수조 물을 갈거나 사료를 제때 줄 가능성이 작다는 것.  허핑턴포스트코리아  |  작성자 김태우

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


A Belgian hotel has attracted attention for offering to rent lonely guests a fish for €3.50 a night.

The Hotel Charleroi Airport in Gosselies, near Brussels South Cherleroi Airport, is a four-star property with rooms starting at £69.

The fish friend programme caught the imagination of the internet after radio producer Michelle Cook tweeted a picture of the fishbowl and sign. The caption read: “My friend is staying in a hotel in Belgium. They've offered her the option of renting a fish for the night, in case she's lonely.”

The missive has been re-tweeted more than 10,000 times with commenters divided on the offer. Some people were enthusiastic and stated they would definitely book the fish, while others reacted angrily, saying hiring out animals was abusive and raising concerns about the size of the bowl.

Hotel manager David Dillen told The Independent that the fish rental service has been running for several years and is popular with guests.

He said: “We started a few years ago. The idea was to surprise our guests, as we always try to do.

“It’s brilliant to see how people react to it. They smile, they take pictures to put on social media. We rent a few fish per week.”

Dillen also put any concerns about animal cruelty to rest by explaining that the fish are well looked after. He added: “I can also tell you that we take very good care of our fish; they have been with us for over four years now, so if they were not taken care of they would have died a long time ago.

“They also have a big fish-tank in the housekeeping department, with a shelter, oxygen and plants. When we think it’s necessary, we put them there for a few days.”


