세계 최장수 방사능맨? The world's most radioactive man
The world's most radioactive man: Lab worker stunned doctors when he survived a 1976 explosion that showered him with 500 times the safe dose of radiation - only to become a pariah known as Atomic Man
Harold R McCluskey, then 64, was a senior chemical operator at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state
On the night of August 30, 1976, McCluskey was separating the plutonium by-product americium in a glove box when the contraption exploded
McCluskey was showered with radiation 500 times the occupational limit, giving him the unwelcome distinction of most radioactive person in the world
He survived the accident, but had his share of radiation-related health problems – a kidney infection, four heart attacks and cataract surgery on both eyes
He died of pre-existing heart disease on August 17, 1987, at the age of 75 with no signs of cancer
The spot where McCluskey became the ‘Atomic Man’ was torn down in March as part of an ongoing overhaul of the site
해롤드 맥클러스키, 당시 64세
미국의 핸퍼드 원자력 보호구역의 수석화학기술자였던 그는
1970년 8월 30일 어느 날
플루토늄 부산물을 분리하고 있었는데 그만 기계가 폭발하고 말았다.
그는 허용 피폭량의 500배에 달하는 방사능에 노출됐다.
당시 세계에서 최다 피폭량에 노출된 명예스럽지 못한 기록까지 갖게됐다.
그는 사고에서 살아남았지만 콩팥 감염, 4번의 심장마비 등 방사능 관련
질병에 걸려 고통을 겪어야 했으며 양쪽 눈에 백내장 수술까지 했다.
맥클러스키는 1987년 8월 지병인 심장병으로 사망했다.
그의 나이 75세였다.
원자맨으로 불리던 맥클러스키가 있던 자리는 그 부지(현장)의
지속적인 정비의 일환으로 그해 3월에 허물게 된다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
PUBLISHED: 18:06 BST, 25 August 2017
On the night of August 30, 1976, Harold R McCluskey was working the graveyard shift at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state when a chemical explosion blasted him with radioactive material and peppered him with shards of glass.
Incredibly, McCluskey, then 64, survived what's believed to be the largest human dose of radiation ever recorded to become known as the 'Atomic Man'.
Even more remarkable was that he lived another 11 years and died from causes unrelated to the accident with no sign of cancer in his body.
At the time, McCluskey had been working as a senior chemical operator, recovering the plutonium by-product americium, a highly radioactive substance used in smoke detectors and bombs.
The lab had been closed for four months as a result of a strike and McCluskey was wary of resuming this kind of work, remembering earlier warnings about working with the chemical after it had been unattended for some time. But his boss told him to proceed.
So, McCluskey followed orders, and while he was working in the room a chemical reaction caused the glove box to explode. For most of the years between the explosion and the room's demolition in March, the door was welded shut because of radioactive activity.
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