캘리포니아 해변을 완전히 에워싼 거대한 먼지 구름 VIDEO: Fognado! Massive cloud of mist suddenly engulfs Californian beach, blotting out the sun, sending sand and umbrellas flying
Fognado! Massive cloud of mist suddenly engulfs Californian beach, blotting out the sun, sending sand and umbrellas flying
The tidal wave of fog cascaded over Natural Bridges Beach in Santa Cruz
The dense cloud blocks out the light and the wind whip up into a frenzy
But it blows over as suddenly as it arrived, leaving sun stream through again
캘리포니아 산타크루즈의 내추럴브리지비치를 덮치며
폭포처럼 쏟아지는 안개 해일
PUBLISHED: 12:25 BST, 8 August 2017
An enormous, menacing cloud of mist suddenly engulfed a Californian beach, blotting out the sun and sending sand and umbrellas flying in what resembled an Armageddon-like nature event.
The all-engulfing cloud approached with a steely menace on the Natural Bridges Beach in Santa Cruz last Wednesday, blocking out the sun and nudging seabirds into a loud squawking frenzy.
'It was really hot in Santa Cruz, so I went down to Natural Bridges Beach. About five minutes after I sat down, the sky got dark, the wind picked up, and a huge fog cloud rolled in fast,' the unnamed person who recorded the footage said.
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