900년만에 발견된 생생한 얼음공주 미이라 VIDEO: Incredible mummy of a 'polar princess' is found close to the Arctic Circle after 900 years
Incredible mummy of a 'polar princess' is found close to the Arctic Circle after 900 years - with her hair and long eyelashes still intact – after she was unwrapped from a cocoon of copper and fur
Aged around 35, she was the only woman buried around three dozen men in permafrost in the 12th century
Her haunting face and features are clearly seen after she was unwrapped by scientists from her cocoon
The green tinge on her face is from the fragments of a copper kettle that would protect her in the afterlife
She was a member of a mysterious medieval hunting and fishing civilisation that held sway in this polar region
북극권 아틱써클 인근에서 발견된 생생한 얼음공주의 미이라.
그녀의 나이는 35살.
36명의 남자에 둘러싸여 함께 묻힌 유일한 여성이다.
밀봉상태에서 과학자들에 의해 해체된 후 도저히 잊을 수 없는
그녀는 얼굴과 모습이 뚜렷이 공개됐다.
푸른색의 그녀의 얼굴은 부서진 구리 주전자 때문이다.
공교롭게도 사후에 그녀의 얼굴을 보호해주게 됐다.
그녀는 신비스러운 중세기 사냥과 고기잡이 문명의 일원이었으며
이 북극권을 지배했다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
PUBLISHED: 14:38 BST, 4 August 2017
The miraculous mummy of a 'polar princess' has been found close to the Arctic Circle, her long eyelashes and hair still intact after 900 years.
Her haunting face and features are clearly seen after she was unwrapped by scientists from the cocoon of copper and fur in which she was buried in permafrost soil in the 12th century.
Aged around 35, she was the only woman buried around almost three dozen men, and the detail on her accidentally mummified remains is astonishing.
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