1972년형 혼다바이크 1년 걸려 3D 프린팅 Artist spends more than a year 3D-printing a life-size 1972 Honda CB500 motorcycle as art meets engineering: VIDEO

Plastic fantastic! Artist spends more than a year 3D-printing a life-size 1972 Honda CB500 motorcycle as art meets engineering

Jonathan Brand used two Ultimaker 3D printers to print the motorcycle

The bike was created using 18 rolls of corn plastic and weighs less than 20kg

Certain individual pieces took as long as 24 hours to complete

  1972년형 혼다 CB500 빈티지 모터바이크 재생을 위해 울티메이커 두대의 

3D 프린터가 사용됐다. 꼬박 1년이 소요됐다.

18롤의 콘 플라스틱 재료가 사용됐으며 완성 무게는 20kg가 채 안된다.

프린트된 각기의 부품 조립에 24시간이 걸렸다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


PUBLISHED: 13:05 BST, 5 July 2017 | UPDATED: 15:10 BST, 5 July 2017

A New York-based artist has brought together his love of art and engineering to 3D print an entire full-size replica motorcycle.

The motorcycle is based on a classic 1972 Honda CB500, and is built from translucent plastics.

It took more than a year to complete, and while it doesn't function like a normal motorcycle, it is an impressive feat of construction.

A New York-based artist has brought together his love of art and engineering to 3D print an entire full-size replica motorcycle

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