러시아. '장수 초콜릿' 개발 Russian Scientists Create 'Sea Vitamins' Chocolate Which Slows Down Aging

성게, 불가사리 추출 물질 추가

  러시아 연해주 연구팀이 성게, 불가사리에 추출한 물질을 추가해 장수에 도움되는 초콜릿을 개발했다고 러시아과학아카데미 극동지역 태평양생명유기화학연구소가 발표했다.

내용에 따르면, "최근 러시아과학아카데미 극동지역 태평양생명유기화학연구소와 극동연방대학 연구팀이 공동으로 "해양 걸작" 기능성 초콜릿 신제품을 개발했다. "해양 비타민"으로 불리는 불가사리, 성게, 레몬그라스에서 추출한 물질을 추가해 건강에 이로운 제품을 만들었다. 이 제품은 노화 과정을 둔화시키고 신진대사가 원활하도록 돕는다. 이를 통해 삶의 질을 향상시키며 장수를 촉진시킨다".

Russian Scientists Create 'Sea Vitamins' Chocolate Which Slows Down Aging

Forrest Gump once said that life is like a box of chocolates and, as it turns out, it might be just that. Researchers in the Russian Far East recently created ‘Sea Masterpiece’ chocolate, which can increse life expectancy.

VLADIVOSTOK (Sputnik) – Scientists in the Russian Far East Primorsky Territory created a chocolate with sea urchin and starfish extracts facilitating longevity, the G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry (PIBOC), Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said Tuesday.

"Recently PIBOC and the Far Eastern Federal University scientists created new functional food called the ‘Sea Masterpiece’ chocolate <…> This ‘sea vitamins’ complex slows the aging process and renders a corrective effect on metabolic processes, which increases the quality of life and contributes to longevity," the institute said.

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The so-called sea vitamins include substances taken from starfish, sea urchins and magnolia vine, it explained.

PIBOC has studied the structure and biomedical properties of marine natural compounds for over 40 years.

Medicines and dietary supplements have been successfully developed and implemented in medical practice based on the institute’s research.



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