What does your sleeping position say about you? 잠자는 자세만 봐도...성격 나타난다

What does your sleeping position say about you? 

스트레스, 걱정 등 반영


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The Yearner and The Foetal Photo: SOLENT


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


   영국의 신체 언어 전문가인 로버트 핍스는 “잠자는 자세를 보면 성격을 알 수 있다”고 말한다. 그는 “수면자세에 그 사람의 성격이 반영된다”며 “평소에 스트레스가 심한지, 걱정이 많은지, 자신을 잘 통제하는지 등이 잘 때 드러난다”고 말했다. 그는 성인 1000여명을 대상으로 한 실험을 통해 가장 흔한 수면 자세 4가지와 이에 따른 성격을 분석했고 이런 내용을 영국 일간 텔레그래프가 보도했다.

태아 형

영국인들에게서 가장 흔한 것은 몸을 웅크린 태아처럼 옆으로 누워 무릎을 당기고 허리를 구부리며 자는 자세다. 실험 참가자들 중 절 반가량이 이 자세를 취했는데, 이들은 걱정이 많은 사람들이며 고단한 하루를 보내고 난 뒤 안식을 찾는 이들이다. 성실하며 지시받은 일을 하는 걸 좋아한다. 그러나 어떤 문제든 과도하게 생각하며, 불필요하게 걱정하는 경향이 있다.

통나무 형

두 번째로 많은 수면자세로, 10명 중 3명꼴이다. 몸과 팔을 똑바로 펴고 옆으로 누워 자는 이 자세를 취하는 사람들은 사고방식이 다소 경직되고 유연하지 않다. 늘 자신의 방식을 고수하려고 한다. 다른 사람들에 군림하는 태도를 취하는 듯하며 자신을 가급적 내보이려고 한다. 이들은 도전을 기꺼이 받아들이며 새로운 경험을 즐긴다.

갈망 형

옆으로 누운 채 팔을 앞으로 뻗치고 자는 것으로, 마치 꿈을 쫓아가는 것처럼 보인다. 핍스에 따르면 이는 자신의 삶에서 뭔가 더 많은 것을 얻기를 바란다는 뜻이다. 그래서 이를 이루기 위해 다음 날을 맞기를 열망하고 두 손을 뻗어 이를 잡으려 하는 자세를 취한다는 것이다. 그러나 늘 만족되지 않는 변덕스런 마음에서 벗어나지 못할 수가 있다.

자유낙하 형

팔을 내뻗은 채 침대에 엎드려 자는 자세다. 이들은 종종 베개를 껴안는데 이는 자신이 바라는 삶을 붙잡는 듯이 보인다. 이런 수면 자세를 취하는 이들은 삶이 자신의 의지와 동떨어져 계속되며 내일 무슨 일이 일어나든 이를 스스로 통제할 수 없다고 믿는다. 이들은 일어나면서부터 걱정을 하거나 그 전날의 과제나 일을 아직 해결하지 못한 채 갖고 있다고 생각한다. 자기 자신의 운명에 대해 스스로 주인이 돼야 한다는 생각을 한다는 것이다.

코메디닷컴 권순일 기자 (kstt77@kormedi.com)

The way you sleep can give startling insights into your personality, even giving away how stubborn, bossy or stressed you are, a body language expert has claimed. 

By Hannah Furness
Robert Phipps, a body language expert, has studied the four most common sleeping positions to determine how it reflects a person's personality and outlook on life. 

The results, he claims, can identify how stressful your day was, how much you worry and how much control you have over your life. 

It is said to reveal traits such as stubbornness, bossiness and fanciful dreaming, as well as how self-critical a person is or whether they feel in control of life. 

According to his research, more than half of British adults sleep in the “foetal” position, curled up on their side with knees tucked in. 

This stance, favoured by worriers, is said to show the sleeper is seeking to return to their comfort zone after a stressful day. 

Foetal sleepers are conscientious, ordered and like things in their place, according to the study, but are also in danger of over-thinking problems and worrying unnecessarily.
The research, for budget hotel chain Premier Inn, revealed the “log” as the second most popular position, adopted by nearly three in every ten people.

The log position, with a straight body and limbs at the sides, shows a person is inflexible and rigid in thinking, set in their ways and stubborn.

They may appear bossy to others, and so should aim to “stretch themselves” and embrace the challenges and excitement of a new day, it is claimed.

A quarter of people taking part in the study classed themselves as “yearners”, sleeping with their arms stretched out in front as though they are chasing their dreams or being chased.
According to Phipps, this means they want more from life and are willing to “go out there and get it with both hands”, eager to face the next day.

They can be their own worst critics, expecting great results in everything they do and giving up quickly when things don’t go their way.

“Yearners” should take care to go after what they really want and avoid wasting time pursuing whims that do not really leave them fulfilled, it is advised.

A further 17 per cent of respondents classed themselves as “freefallers”, sleeping face down with their arms outstretched.

Often clutching their pillow, they can appearing to be “holding on for dear life” in what is thought to be the most uncomfortable sleeping position for adults.

Those who adopt it can feel as if life “happens around them” and they are just “hanging on for the ride”, believing they lack control over what will happen the next day.

So-called freefallers can wake up feelings anxious, or believing they still have issues and tasks left over from the previous day.

According to the research, they should aim to deal with things one step at a time, taking control of each day so they feel motivated to “be the boss of their own destiny”.

The study, of 1,000 British adults, allowed participants to select more than one option, with some selecting several sleeping positions in their responses.

Premier Inn spokesperson, Claire Haigh, said: "Many people read their horoscopes, but we wanted to give our guests a more unique way to look at how their day might turn out by looking at how they sleep.

“We have worked with Robert to develop 'sleep-o-scopes' and were shocked that the research revealed just how stressed we are as a nation.

"It is important we try and wind down after a long day and get a good night's rest so we wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead."

Sleep positions

People who sleep like this are returning to their comfort zone to de-stress themselves from the day's activities. The higher the knees and lower the head the more internal comfort you give yourself. Foetal sleepers are conscientious, ordered and like things in their place but they can over think things and worry unnecessarily.

People who sleep like this for the majority of the night can expect a refreshed awakening having dealt with the previous day's issues compartmentalising and organising while they sleep, allowing them to feel refreshed when they wake and ready to move onward and upward.

Foetal sleepers should be careful not to become too stuck in their comfort zone and be prepared to take on new challenges each day.

2. LOG
The sleeper in this position fully extends their head, neck, arms, legs and body all stretched out in a straight line. The longer you sleep like this, the more rigid your thinking and you can become inflexible which means you make things harder for yourself.

Loggers are set in their ways and can be stubborn, liking things done their way, which can make them come across as bossy or even aloof.

"Sleep like a log" is the old adage and people who sleep in this straight line can wake up stiffer than when they went to sleep. Try to relax more and let your muscles unwind from the day's hassles and you'll wake up feeling more flexible in your thinking.

Loggers need to stretch themselves each day to reach new goals and then your day is likely to be more exciting, challenging and fun. You'll see and feel the benefits in your body and mind as you embrace being a more relaxed you.

The Yearner has two possible meanings with arms outstretched as though you are chasing your dreams, conversely it can mean you are being chased. You feel you want more from life and are willing to go out there and get it with both hands, ready to capture every new and exciting challenge that comes your way.

Yearners are their own worst critics always expecting great results in everything they do, which can mean giving up to quickly with things that don't go their way right from the off.
Yearners wake up eager to face the challenges of the day, seeking out new opportunities. However, take care to make sure what you yearn for is what you really want or you'll spend a lot of wasted time and energy chasing things that don't really fulfil you.

Yearners should face each new day as a fresh start, reviewing where they are going and what they want from the day, then go for it and see it through with full commitment.

With the whole body outstretched flat on their stomach, arms at right angles, hands gripping the pillow as though holding on for dear life, physically the least comfortable position to sleep for most adults.

Freefallers tend to feel like life happens around them and they are just hanging on for the ride, which can make them feel like they're not in control of what happens.

Freefallers can wake up feeling like they still have things leftover from the previous day, which can make them feel over anxious about getting things done today.

Freefallers need to take control of each new day and deal with things one step at a time until you are happy to move to the next step. You will then be more motivated and inspired, creating opportunities for you be the boss of your own destiny.

Premier Inn spokesperson, Claire Haigh, said: "Many people read their horoscopes, but we wanted to give our guests a more unique way to look at how their day might turn out by looking at how they sleep. We have worked with Robert to develop 'sleep-o-scopes' and were shocked that the research revealed just how stressed we are as a nation.



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