기상 천외한 인도 힌두 순례의식 쿰멜라 축제 Leap of faith: Tens of thousands of Hindu pilgrims take holy dip at India's Kumbh Mela royal bath festival
Leap of faith: Tens of thousands of Hindu pilgrims take holy dip to celebrate India's Kumbh Mela festival
The second bathing to mark Kumbh Mela or the Pitcher Festival took place in Trimbakeshwar in Nasik, India
Hindus bathe in a sacred river to cleanse their sins and honour a mythological battle for the nectar of immortality
Nashik hosts the festival every 12 years and is expected to attract 8 to 10 million pilgrims during next two months
힌두 의식 중에는 신성한 강에 목욕하는 풍습이 있다.
인도에서 열리는 최대 규모의 힌두교 순례 축제인도 갠지스 강의 하르드와르(Haridwar), 시프라 강의 웃자인(Ujjain), 고다바리 강의 나시크(Nasik), 알라하바드(Allahabad)에서 12년마다 열리는 힌두교 순례 축제이다. 이 중 가장 큰 규모의 축제는 알라하바드의 마하 쿰 멜라이다. 가장 많은 사람들이 참가하는 축제로 기네스북에 올라 있는 이 축제에는 8000만 명 이상이 방문하며, 이로 인해 2003년 나시크에서 열린 쿰 멜라에서는 45명이 압사한 바 있다.
쿰 멜라는 ‘주전자 축제’라는 의미로, 신과 악마의 싸움에서 유래되었다. 신과 악마가 생명수라 불리는 암리타(Amrita)가 든 주전자를 갖기 위하여 싸우다가 암리타가 떨어지게 되고 그곳에 강이 생긴다. 사람들은 이 강에서 몸을 씻으면 죄가 씻겨난다고 믿어, 많은 힌두교 신자들이 쿰 멜라 축제에 참가한다.[네이버 지식백과]
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Dreadlocked Indian holy men and Hindu pilgrims washed away their sins with a religious dip during the second Kumbh Mela bathing or Pitcher Festival at Trimbakeshwar in Nasik, India on Sunday.
Hindu devotees take a holy dip in the waters of Godavari river to celebrate the festival which honours the victory of gods over demons in a furious mythological battle.
The sadhus, or 'Godmen', naked and with their faces painted, danced and chanted alongside tens of thousands of pilgrims celebrating the Shahi Snan, meaning 'royal bath'.
Hindu sects followed one another in shedding their orange robes before splashing joyously into the sacred water at Nashik. Their time to bathe lasted just seconds, however, as hundreds of police officers frantically blew their whistles to signal for them to hastily make way for the next wave of devotees.
The Kumbh Mela -a celebration of faith in which Hindus bathe in a sacred river - is held every third year and is rotated between four holy sites.
As a result, it takes place at Nashik every 12 years and although it isn't on the same scale as the editions on the Ganges at Haridwar and the Saraswati at Allahabad, it still draws millions of pilgrims.
Nashik is unique out of the four venues in that it has two main bathing sites, the Godavari river in Nashik and nearby Trimbakeshwar temple ghat, stretching the emergency services across a wide area.
The Kumbh Mela has its origins in Hindu mythology, which describes how a few drops of the nectar of immortality fell on all of the places that host the festival, the fourth being Ujjain in central India.
Between eight and 10 million pilgrims are expected to attend the two-month-long Hindu festival this year.

A Naga sadhu, or naked Hindu holy man, poses for a picture after taking a holy dip in the Godavari River during Kumbh Mela

Hindu devotees give a holy dip to their Guru on the second 'shahi snaan' or royal bath in the river Godavari in Nasik, India

Hindus believe taking a dip in the waters of a holy river during the festival, will cleanse them of their sins

According to Hindu mythology, the Kumbh Mela celebrates the victory of gods over demons in a furious battle over a nectar that would give them immortality

A Sadhu, or Hindu holy man walks through the festival amidst the hundreds of thousands of other pilgrims

A policewoman stands guard as hundreds of thousands of Hindu devotees wait for their turn to enter the River Godavari

The religious gathering at the banks of the Godavari river this year, is on a smaller scale than the festivals at the Ganges at Haridwar and the Saraswati at Allahabad but is still popular

The event draws millions of attendees, pictured Indian Hindu holy men wait for their sect leader as the festivities ensue

Foreign Hindu devotees take to the streets to mark the holy occasion and greet their teacher during the celebration

High spirits: Indian men shout slogans and a mood of revelry spreads through the crowds waiting for their turn to enter the water

A Hindu holy man blows a conch shell (left) while an Indian woman (right) prays after her cleansing dip in the river

Hindu devotees carry their Guru while officials watch on ensuring the popular event doesn't turn into a stampede as it has done in the past

Devotees wear yellow garlands and wait patiently for a chance to cleanse their sins (left) a holy man gets involved in the celebration (right)

Between eight and 10 million pilgrims are expected to attend the event during the two month long Hindu festival

Nashik is unique in that it has two main bathing sites, the Godavari river in Nashik and nearby Trimbakeshwar temple ghat

The Kumbh Mela has its origins in Hindu mythology, which describes how a few drops of the nectar of immortality fell on all of the places that host the festival. Pictured are holy men splashing in the waters.

Universal celebration: Pilgrims touch the feet of a holy man as the whole community get to get to honour the occasion

Young and old alike take to the streets to mark the occasion which takes place at Nasik every 12 years

A holy man waits for his chance to take a cleansing dip during Kumbh Mela which is due to be celebrated until November
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