냉장고에 넣으면 안되는 음식들 10 foods you should never put in the fridge

source popsugar.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집



특유의 풍미가 사라진다. 차가운 공기가 토마토의 숙성과정을 멈추고 껍질 속 세포막을 손상해 

수분기를 뺏는다. 토마토는 바구니나 큰 긄에 담아 상온에 두는 것이 좋다.


감자의 녹말이 당분으로 변한다. 검정봉지에 잘 싸서 서늘한 곳에 보관하는 것이 좋다.

고구마도 같은 방식으로 보관하면 된다.


수분때문에 금세 물러지고 곰팡이가 생긴다. 건조하고 서늘한 곳에 보관하는 것이 좋다.


파란 싹이 나거나 곰팡이가 핀다. 반드시 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관해야 한다.


수분이 날아가 말라 버린다. 잘 싸서 냉동보관하다가 필요시 해동시켜 먹는다.


기름이 응결되어 버터처럼 딱딱하게 변한다. 서늘하고 어두운 곳에 보관한다.


냉잔고 안의 온갖 냄새를 흡수하기 때문에 낭패본다. 서늘하고 어두운 곳에 보관해야 한다.

대용량이면 지퍼백에 담아 냉동실에 보관해야 한다. 오래된 원두를 탈취제로 쓰는 것은 가능하다.


설탕처럼 굳어 버린다. 꿀은 뚜껑을 제대로 닫는다면 영원히 상온에서 보관 할 수 있다.

출처 허핑턴 포스트

10 foods you should never put in the fridg

Bread doesn’t need to go in the fridge.

Bread doesn’t need to go in the fridge. Source: Supplied

WHEN it comes to storing food properly, there are many conventions that some people swear by and others will argue ‘til the end of time. Do you store bread in the fridge, freezer or in a bread box? Should you store tomatoes in the fridge or on your countertop?


One of the most-discussed foods in the food storage domain is butter. People have long debated whether or not and how long to keep butter out of the refrigerator. Butter straight from the fridge is too hard to spread, and what good is that? As with many culinary debates, there’s not really a cut-and-dry answer. According to the USDA, you should store butter in its wrapper in the fridge and keep butter out only for 10 to 15 minutes before using, but some cooks will use butter after leaving it out for a week. Because butter is made from pasteurised milk, the chances of contamination are low, says cooking blog The Kitchn. There’s always a risk, however. Salted butter, because of its salt content and water dispersion, runs a lower risk of spoiling and its salt helps keep bacteria away. Anything unsalted, whipped or “light” has a greater risk of contamination. In sum, while we can’t recommend you keep butter out all week, you likely don’t have to worry if you’ve left it out for a couple hours, so long as it’s salted.

While there may not be a definitively right or wrong way to store butter, there are certain foods that are much more straightforward. Some foods never belong in your refrigerator. Storing these foods in the fridge when you shouldn’t can zap or alter their flavour, or make them go mouldy fast. Why risk losing flavour when all you need to do is store your food correctly?

Chances are you’ve mistakenly been storing some of these foods in your fridge, when you should really being keeping them out on your counter or in your pantry. Here are 10 foods you shouldn’t store in your fridge:

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes will lose all their flavour in the fridge. What’s a bigger crime than that? The cold air in the fridge stops the ripening process, and ripening is what gives tomatoes more flavour. The fridge will also alter the texture of the tomato. According to Harold McGee’s On Food and Cooking, the cold temperature breaks down the membranes inside the fruit walls, turning it mealy. Keep tomatoes out in a bowl or basket on the counter.

 Vine ripe tomatoes, generic.

Tomatoes lose their flavour in the fridge. Source: Supplied

2. Basil

Basil will wilt faster if left in the fridge, and it will also absorb all the smells of the food around it. It’s better to keep it out, sitting in a cup of freshwater, like cut flowers. If you want to store basil for a long time, Martha Stewart recommends blanching it and then freezing it.

3. Potatoes

Keeping a potato in the cold temperature of your refrigerator will turn its starch into sugar more quickly, so that you’ll be left with a sweet, gritty potato. Instead of putting potatoes in the fridge, store them in a paper bag in a cool — not cold — place. Assuming you don’t have a root cellar — the ideal place for potatoes — store them in a dark place, like inside your pantry. Paper bags work better than plastic because they’re more breathable and the potato won’t rot as fast. Martha Stewart suggests you store potatoes at a temperature as close to 45 degrees as possible. All this goes for sweet potatoes too!

Potatoes should be stored in paper bags.

Potatoes should be stored in paper bags. Source: Supplied

4. Onions

If you put onions in the fridge, the moisture will eventually turn them soft and mouldy. Keep them in a cool, dry place. (You can store scallions and chives in the refrigerator, however, because of their higher water content.) Just keep your onions separate from your potatoes; when stored together, both deteriorate faster.

5. Avocados

If you want avocados to ripen, definitely don’t put them in the refrigerator. However, if you’ve bought an already-ripe avocado that you don’t want to use right away, that can go in the fridge.

6. Garlic

Eventually, garlic will start to sprout in the fridge, and it may also get rubbery and mouldy. You should instead keep garlic in a cool, dry place.

Both garlic and basil can stay out of the fridge.

Both garlic and basil can stay out of the fridge. Source: Supplied

7. Bread

You refrigerator will dry out your bread quickly. Unless it’s sliced sandwich bread that you intend to use within a few days, keep bread out on the counter or in the freezer. You should keep bread that you will eat within four days out, to be sliced when you’re ready to eat it, and you should freeze the rest to thaw and eat later. Bread in the freezer should be wrapped so it retains its moisture, and when you remove it from the freezer, you should let it thaw slowly and completely before eating or toasting.

8. Olive Oil

You should store olive oil in a cool, dark place, but not in the fridge, where it will condense and turn to a harder, almost butter-like consistency.

9. Coffee

If you leave coffee in the refrigerator, it will lose its flavour and actually take on some of the odours in the fridge. You should store coffee in a cool, dark place, where it will retain its flavour and freshness. You can store larger quantities of coffee in the freezer, however.

Refrigerated coffee loses its flavour.

Refrigerated coffee loses its flavour. Source: Supplied

10. Honey

There’s no need to store honey in the fridge — it will stay good basically forever if you simply keep it tightly sealed. Keeping honey in the refrigerator can cause it to crystallise.

This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post 




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