OECD 국가들은 1년동안 얼마나 일하며 만족도는 얼마일까? Eye-Opening Graphic Reveals Which Countries Have the Best Work-Life Balance

OECD 국가들은 1년동안 얼마나 일하며 만족도는 얼마일까?

우선 년중 근로시간은 네덜란드 독일 노르웨이 등이 1,381~1,420시간으로 가장 적은 시간을

일하고 있으며 만족도 역시 80%정도로 높다.

한국 멕시코 등은 년중 2000시간으로 가장 많은 일을 하는 나라들로 분류됐으며 만족도는 

75~82%로 집계됐다. 그리스의 일의 만족도는 52%로 극히 낮은 것으로 나타났다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Sara Barnes

We know that life shouldn’t be all work and no play, but just how much do we abide by that? This eye-opening infographic, by Vicky Leta for Mashable, is based on data collected from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Better Life Index. It looks at a couple of things: how many hours (on average) a person spends working a year, and how satisfied they are with the time committed to their profession.

The Netherlands, Germany, and Norway are all at the top of this list, meaning that they spend the least amount of hours - ranging from 1,381 to 1,420 - per year on their work. Those countries have a high satisfaction rate, too, of around 80%. Greece, Korea, and Mexico all spend the most time on the job. They average well over 2,000 hours per year. Surprisingly, however, their satisfaction rate doesn’t drop as much as you might think. Korea and Mexico are each at 75% and 82%, respectively. Greece has a significantly less content work force, and only 52% of employees are satisfied with the time they put in.

This infographic is an important reminder to keep a work-life balance in check. If a person spends too much time on the job, the OECD warns that there’s evidence indicating “long work hours may impair personal health, jeopardize safety and increase stress.”

Better Life Index website
Vicky Leta website
via [DesignTAXI and Mashable]

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