미 국방부, '스마트 총알' 실전 배치 초읽기 No more dodging a bullet, as U.S. develops self-guided ammunition(VIDEO)

source http://www.industrytap.com/darpa-successfully-tests-exacto-project-self-guiding-bullet/25274

첨단무기 개발을 주관하는 미 국방부 산하 방위고등연구계획국

(DARPA)이 스스로 탄도를 변경해가면서 목표를 찾아 명중시키는 

총알의 시연을 담은 동영상을 최근 공개했다고 CNN 방송과 

폭스뉴스 등 미 언론이 30일(현지시간) 보도했다.

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케이콘텐츠 편집

The bullet that can change direction mid-air

By Don Melvin, CNN

(CNN)—You know the phrase "dodging a bullet"? Forget about it. Probably not going to happen anymore.

The U.S. military said this week it has made great progress in its effort to develop a self-steering bullet. 

In February, the "smart bullets" -- .50-caliber projectiles equipped with optical sensors -- passed their most successful round of live-fire tests to date, according to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA.

In the tests, an experienced marksman "repeatedly hit moving and evading targets," a DARPA statement said.

"Additionally," the statement said, "a novice shooter using the system for the first time hit a moving target." In other words, now you don't even have to be a good shot to hit the mark.

U.S. military calls .50-caliber smart bullet a 'major breakthrough'

The system has been developed by DARPA's Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance program, known as EXACTO.

"True to DARPA's mission, EXACTO has demonstrated what was once thought impossible: the continuous guidance of a small-caliber bullet to target," said Jerome Dunn, DARPA program manager. 

"This live-fire demonstration from a standard rifle showed that EXACTO is able to hit moving and evading targets with extreme accuracy at sniper ranges unachievable with traditional rounds. Fitting EXACTO's guidance capabilities into a small .50-caliber size is a major breakthrough and opens the door to what could be possible in future guided projectiles across all calibers," Dunn said.

Bullets turn in midair to follow targets

Videos supplied by DARPA show the bullets making sharp turns in midair as they pursue their targets. 

It all conjures up images of a cartoon character frantically fleeing a bullet that follows him wherever he goes. Only, these bullets are traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. And even the Road Runner can't run that fast.

DARPA says the smart bullets will also help shooters who are trying, for example, to hit targets in high winds. 

The goals of the EXACTO program are giving shooters accuracy at greater distances, engaging targets sooner and enhancing the safety of American troops, DARPA said.


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