네팔 히말라야 에베레스트 베이스캠프 피해 Massive avalanche slams into Everest base camp following Nepal earthquake(video)

Climbers walk down a path from Mount Everest after expeditions were canceled following Saturday massive earthquake in Nepal. (Phurba Tenjing Sherpa/Reuters) 다음주 토요일 지진으로 등반이 취소된 후 등반대원들이 하산하고 있다.

source washingtonpost.com

네팔 수도 카트만두 인근에서 25일 오전 11시56분(현지시간) 80년만의 

최악의 규모 7.9의 강력한 지진이 발생해  현재 1800여몀의 사망자가 

발생했으며 사망자는 계속 늘어나고 있다.

외신에 따르면 에베레스트 베이스 캠프에서 14명의 사망자가 발생한 것으로 

알려져 있다.


By Peter Holley

Climbers walk down a path from Mount Everest after expeditions were canceled following Saturday massive earthquake in Nepal. (Phurba Tenjing Sherpa/Reuters) 

A powerful earthquake that rocked Nepal on Saturday unleashed a massive avalanche on Mount Everest that slammed into base camp and sent hundreds of climbers running for their lives, according to news reports.

At least 10 climbers and guides were killed by the avalanche, which reportedly buried some portions of the camp while missing others, leaving unknown numbers of people injured and missing, according to the Associated Press.

“The toll could go up, it may include foreigners as well as Sherpas,” Gyanendra Shrestha, an official from the Nepal tourist board, told the Telegraph.


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