세계 각국의 요리 투자 시간은? Which Countries Are Top of the Cooking Charts?

요리에 가장 많은 시간과 열정의 나라는

인도와 우크라이나

요리의 나라 프랑스 이태리 중국은 하위권

한국 최하위

색인표: 황색 주당 요리시간, 블루 요리지식. 그린 열정

edited by kcontents 


 '맛의 나라'로 불리는 프랑스인이 일주일 동안 요리에 투자하는 시간은? 

상식적으로는 미식가들이 많은 프랑스가 한 주 동안 요리에 가장 많은 시간을 투자할 것 같지만 실제로는 인도와 우크라이나 인들이 가장 많은 13시간을 요리에 투자하는 것으로 나타났다. 

프랑스인은 이들의 절반에도 못 미치는 5.5시간을 요리에 투자했고, 한국인은 3.7시간에 불과한 것으로 조사됐다. 

1일(현지시간) 시장조사업체 GfK가 22개국의 15세 이상 남녀 2만7000명을 대상으로 국가별 요리 투입 시간을 비교·분석한 결과 이 같이 나타났다.

 인도와 우크라이나 국민은 일주일 가운데 요리에 사용하는 시간이 각각 13.2시간과 13.1시간으로 요리에 가장 많은 시간을 할애하는 국가로 손꼽혔다. 

그러나 프랑스 국민의 일주일 평균 요리시간은 5.5시간으로 조사돼, 국가별 주간 단위 평균 요리 투입 시간인 6.5시간에도 못 미쳤다. 

인도와 우크라이나 다음으로 요리에 투입하는 시간이 긴 나라는 남아프리카공화국(9.5시간), 인도네시아(8.3시간), 이탈리아(7.1시간), 스페인(6.8시간), 러시아(6.5시간), 캐나다(6.4시간), 호주·폴란드(6.1시간), 아르헨티나(6시간), 벨기에·영국·미국(5.9시간), 중국·멕시코·스웨덴(5.8시간), 독일(5.4시간), 브라질(5.2시간), 터키(4.9시간) 순으로 나타났다. 

음식에 대한 열정이 있는지 물은 결과, 미국인은 37%, 영국인은 26%인데 반해, 최고의 셰프를 배출하고 있는 프랑스인은 정작 24%에 불과했다.

음식에 대한 열정이 가장 높은 나라는 이탈리아로 열정 비율이 43%나 됐고, 이어 남아프리카공화국 42%, 인도네시아·멕시코 40% 순이었다. 

한편 GfK는 국가별로 요리 투입 시간에 큰 차이가 나는 것은 길거리 음식 등 외식 산업의 발달 정도, 가공식품 보급도, 음식물을 판매하는 대형 슈퍼마켓의 분포 등의 영향 때문이라고 분석했다. 

[글로벌이코노믹] 노정용 기자 noja@  

Which Countries Are Top of the Cooking Charts? 


NUREMBERG, Germany, March 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

•Over half of people internationally say they cook purely for fun once a week or more. 

•Italy and South Africa lead on passion for food and cooking. 

•India and Ukraine top the chart for hours per week people spend cooking. France, Germany and Brazil trail in bottom five. 

GfK asked more than 27,000 people aged 15 or older across 22 countries about how many hours per week they spend cooking - and how knowledgeable, experienced and passionate they are about food and cooking.

Hours spent cooking per week 

Internationally, people who cook say that they spend, on average, just under six and a half hours a week doing this (not counting those who don't cook at all). And the classic stereotype holds true, with women saying just over seven and a half hours per week cooking, compared to men's five hours a week.

This overall figure is heavily led by the top five most active countries. In India and Ukraine, people spend just over 13 hours a week cooking, falling to nine and a half hours for South Africa. Indonesia comes next with more than eight hours, followed by Italy, just topping seven hours. The countries where people say they spend the least amount of time cooking each week are Brazil (slightly more than five hours), Turkey (slightly less than five hours) and South Korea, which is trailing well behind at less than four hours, possibly due to the popularity of its inexpensive street food carts.

Of almost more interest for businesses selling into the cooking market is the frequency with which people cook purely for fun, rather than necessity. Overall, just under a third of people (30 percent of both men and women) say they cook for fun at least once a week - and a further quarter claim to do this every day or most days (33 percent of women and 21 percent of men).

Udo Jansen, GfK's Global Director for tracking sales of small domestic appliances, comments: "This study delivers valuable insight for businesses offering food and cooking products or services, especially when combined with our sales trends for electric kitchen appliances worldwide. For example, we are seeing growing demand for electric food preparation appliances in India, Indonesia and Italy. Our combination of attitudinal insight and actual sales trends is unbeatable in revealing which markets and consumer segments present the greatest commercial opportunities for our clients."

Knowledge and experience of cooking 

Overall, 29 percent of people claim to have great knowledge and experience about food and cooking - but this is again led by women who stand at a third (34 percent), compared to just a quarter (25 percent) of men.

Breaking this down into individual countries, South Africa and India top the list, with around half of people (50 and 48 percent respectively) agreeing, or agreeing strongly, that this applies to them. Also in the top five are Turkey and Ukraine at 40 percent each and Indonesia at 38 percent.

At the bottom end of the scale, we see Spain, France, Russia and Australia - with just one in five (20 percent) believing they have great knowledge and experience with food and cooking. These are followed by Belgium at 19 percent and South Korea trailing well behind at only 13 percent.

Passion for cooking  

Looking at genders, an average 37 percent of women and 27 percent of men across all 22 countries agree that they are really passionate about food and cooking.

Interestingly, when we look at individual countries, the findings show that knowledge and experience of food and cooking does not always relate to passion for these things. Turkey, which was 3rd for claiming knowledge and experience, falls to 7th place (equal with USA) when asked about passion for cooking, and Ukraine (4th for knowledge) slips to 11th place. Instead, we see Italy and Mexico (7th and 8th respectively for knowledge) appear in the top five countries claiming cooking passion. In fact, Italy leads all other countries in this area, with 43 percent agreeing or agreeing strongly that they are really passionate about food and cooking. They are very closely followed by South Africa (42 percent), Indonesia and Mexico (40 percent) and India (39 percent).

By comparison, the lowest ranking countries - Poland, Sweden, Belgium and Russia - all have only about one in five feeling passionate about cooking, while the bottom place of all is again claimed by South Korea, at just 13 percent.  


1. Men versus Women: attitudes and time spent cookinghttp://www.gfk.com/PublishingImages/Press/GfK-Infographic-Cooking-Total.jpg

2. Country ranking by time spent cooking:http://www.gfk.com/PublishingImages/Press/GfK-Infographic-Cooking-Countries.jpg

For more information, please go to http://www.gfk.com/news-and-events/press-room/press-releases

About the study 

GfK interviewed over 27,000 people aged 15 plus, either online or face-to-face, in summer 2014. The countries included were: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, Ukraine and USA.

GfK's point of sales (POS) tracking and retail panel monitor sales data for electric kitchen appliances, washing machines, tumble driers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, cookers and ovens, hobs and ranges, extractor hoods and microwaves in more than 90 countries worldwide.



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