심해저 투명 물고기 '배럴아이' The Pacific Barreleye Fish and Its Weird See-Through Head(VIDEO)

심해저 물고기 '배럴아이(Barreleye)'는 머리부분이 투명하다.

투명히 보이는 이유는 눈이 머릿속에 위치해 있기 때문이다. 

이 물고기는 햇볓이 없는 심해에 적응키 위해 관통(barrel) 모양의 눈을 가지고 있어 심해에 부족한 빛을 쉽게 모은다고 한다.

햇빛이 없는 심해에 적응한 결과 투명한 머릿속에 눈이 있는 배럴아이는 관통모양의 눈을 통해 앞을 보거나 투명한 머리 조직을 통해 머리 바로 위도 볼 수 있다. 

과학자들은 배럴아이의 관통모양 눈이 심해에서 빛을 모으기 유리하다고 보고 있다. 



By Sumitra on November 20th, 2013 Category: Pics 

The Pacific Barreleye fish gets its name from large eyes that are literally shaped like barrels, topped with beautiful green lenses. Also known as the Macropinna microstoma, its head is completely transparent, filled with fluid. This unique creature lives at depths of around 2000 to 2,600 ft. The Pacific Barreleye’s see-through head may seem weird, but it has a very clear purpose –  to help it see better in the dark waters that it inhabits.

The Barreleye’s eyes have been found to be incredibly sensitive, snapping up any stream of light available. Unlike most other fish, both the eyes are in the front of the head and point in the same direction, which gives it amazing binocular vision. So the Barreleye is able to spot faint objects that other fish cannot, making it a feared predator. It’s extremely fascinating, how it searches for prey. It starts off by staying still, eyes pointed upward in search of prey. Sometimes the eyes are rotated to face forwards, or the eyes are still and the body is rotated so that the mouth is pointing in the same direction as the eyes. When tiny silhouettes of prey are spotted, the Barreleye moves in exactly the same direction to catch them. Its flat, horizontal fins help it to swim very precisely. This method is so efficient that it is sometimes able to even snatch food away from the stinging tentacles of other deep sea creatures. Its mouth is really tiny so that’s of great help as well, and the transparent shield makes it immune to stings.


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