가슴 찡한 어느 부부의 결혼 50주년 기념 사진 Couples Married 50+ Years Show What Everlasting Love Looks Like

사진작가 Tracey Buyce 작품

삶 과 행복

우리는 죽을 때까지도 어떻게 살아야 궁극적인 행복을 느낄 수 있는지 

잘 모른다.

다만 한가지 중요한 사실은 상대방을 깊이 이해하고 배려하는 것이 

그나마 그 행복에 근접할 수 있는 길이다.


콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Alice Yoo

Now here's a photo series that will soften the hearts of love's most stubborn cynics. Inspired by her own parents' marriage, which lasted for 46 years, Saratoga Springs, New York-based photographer Tracey Buyce started a photo series last year showing couples that have been married for 40 years or more. She started a contest on her blog, asking people to nominate these couples, who would, for their time, receive a free portrait session and a flash drive of images.

As she wrote on her blog, "Each relationship has its own unique beginnings and from that unfolds decades of shared lives. Marriage is complex, full of ups and downs and joys and sorrows. Marriage is your own little universe, that just the two of your create. I want to help your family celebrate the gift of marriage through photography."

So far, Buyce has photographed five couples including Norbert and Mary who have been married the longest, at 71 years. As they sit quietly, holding hands while basking in candlelight, one is reminded of the fact that true love does exist. They were nominated by their granddaughter-in-law Kaitlin who had this to say: "Their love is reflected in their 13 children, 24 grandchildren and the growing number of great-grandchildren. They travel, read, garden, watch 'Jeopardy,' and love sharing fond memories and stories...They are the kindest, most loving people and such wonderful role models for marriage."

Throughout the project, what did the photographer find to be the running theme? "One thing all of these couples had in common was a quiet comfort between them," Buyce told Huffington Post.

Norbert & Mary, Married 71 Years


Gloria & Walter, Married 65 Years


Russ & Elinor, Married 63 Years


Martha & George, Married 70 Years

Tracey Buyce website

via [Huffington Post]

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