탄식이 절로 나오는 세계의 비경 Mont Blanc, the Grand Canyon and even a Florida beach: The most beautiful but DEADLY tourist(VIDEO)

Mont Blanc, the Grand Canyon and even a Florida beach: 

The most beautiful but DEADLY tourist destinations around the world

프랑스의 장엄한 몽블랑부터 

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파푸아 뉴기니의 코코다 트랙

플로리다의 뉴스머나비치

캘리포니아의 요세미티 국립공원 하프돔

아일랜드 클레어주에 있는 모허절벽

아일랜드의 스켈리그 마이클 

하와이의 화산 헬리콥터 투어

콜로라도강 절경

볼리비아 죽음의 도로 '라파즈'

중국의 화산의 아찔한 워킹로까지


이 모두 죽기전에 모두 꼭 봐야할 세계의 절경들이다


콘페이퍼 에디터

Despite many attempts to experience nature up close, thousands of fatalities face explorers annually

New Smyrna Beach in Florida is the deadliest for shark attacks with 219 incidents between 1994-2004

Over 300 deaths occur annually on the North Yungas Road in Bolivia 


Whether it's relaxing on a golden beach or indulging in challenging jungle hikes, there is one thing everyone wants from their holiday - to come back safely.

But while most trips go off without a hitch, there are some destinations where holidays can end in disaster, whether tourists are simply enjoying the beach or attempting to scale a mountain.

But just where are the most deadly tourist destinations in the world? From the aptly-named Death Road in Bolivia, where hundreds of drivers die each year, to the Florida beach with more shark attacks per square kilometre than anywhere in the world, these are the beautiful destinations where tourists should be particularly careful. 

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The Gouter corridor is the most popular  route for those climbing western Europe’s highest peak but it is a dangerous area because of frequent rock falls, and it is known locally as 'the corridor of death'

The Gouter corridor is the most popular route for those climbing western Europe’s highest peak but it is a dangerous area 

because of frequent rock falls, and it is known locally as 'the corridor of death'


Mont Blanc, France

With peaks of 5,000 metres high and top wind speeds on the peak reaching 95kmph it is not surprising that Mont Blanc is one of the most dangerous spot for hikers. 

That doesn't stop adventurers coming from all over the world to tackle its breathtaking heights. 

On average over 20,000 attempt to climb it annually. Sadly many have been injured or lost their life on the highest peak in Europe, with about 30-70 deaths per year, according to the Climbing Mont Blanc magazine

In January this year six friends were killed in an avalanche that occurred on the Italian side of Mont Blanc. 

Many guiding companies refer to Mont Blanc as a 'long walk', and this, coupled with gondolas who take tourists up the first 9,000 ft, result in many inexperienced walkers attempting the highest mountain in Europe. 

There have also been reports of some walkers attempting the mountain in t-shirt and shorts, unaware of the fundamental risks of Mont Blanc. 

There have been 685 deaths reported at the Grand Canyon National Park according to Our National Parks, which is 227 miles long, and in places 1,800 metres high 

There have been 685 deaths reported at the Grand Canyon National Park according to Our National Parks, which is 227 miles long, and in places 1,800 metres high 

Grand Canyon, Arizona

There are over 4.5 million visitors to the Grand Canyon annually, which sadly claims the lives of on average 12 people a year, according to park statistics. 

The causes of death are varied, and can be down to exhaustion, heat, dehydration, medical conditions, suicide, and slipping over the edge. 

Last year a Texan father fell to his death, when visiting the site with his family, adding his death to the 685 that have been reported in total, to Our National Parks

Teahupoo is known for its surf break and heavy glassy waves, it has claimed the lives of five people since 2000 with many more injured

Teahupoo is known for its surf break and heavy glassy waves, it has claimed the lives of five people since 2000 with many more injured

Teahupoo, Tahiti

Named as one of Transworld Surf's Top 10 Deadliest Waves, Teahupoo boasts waves that can range from 3 to 7 metres high.

The famous waves have a unique shape, due to the shallow coral reef, which ranges up to 20 inches beneath the water's surface, being responsible for the hollow-breaking waves.

There have been five recorded deaths in the Tahiti surf since 2000, according to The Australian

A high profile injury occurred when local Briece Taerea when he was thrown headfirst into the reef. Helater died in hospital after suffering from two broken cervical vertebra and a severed spinal cord.


The biggest danger to travellers on the Kokoda Trail is from gastro related illness, falling down the terrain, and from mosquito bites, with some insects carrying malaria  

Kokoda Track, Papa New Guinea

This jungle location was made famous during World War 2, and since had been a spot Australians have returned to in order to pay tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives.

The 60 mile Kokoda Track has claimed the lives of six Australian trekkers, and up to 50 people have had to be airlifted out by Medivac, according to SBS World News. 

The Papa New Guinea track includes jungle terrain, rivers and mountains.



The 'sunshine state' Florida is the most dangerous location in the world for shark attacks, with New Smyrna Beach topping the chart for the highest amount per square kilometre 

The 'sunshine state' Florida is the most dangerous location in the world for shark attacks, with New Smyrna Beach topping the chart for the highest amount per square kilometre 

New Smyrna Beach, Florida

There have been 701 shark attacks worldwide from 2004-2014, according to data from the International Shark Attack File

Of these, 219 attacks happen in Florida, beating famous dangerous locations such as Hawaii, Australia and South Africa.

New Smyrna Beach is the most dangerous beaches for this, with more attacks per square kilometre than any other beach worldwide.  

Thankfully not all of the incidents are fatal, and many of the injuries are caused by young bull sharks nipping at unsuspecting paddlers. 

Last year, a 15-year-old boy and a 29-year-old man were bitten in two separate incidents in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, on the same day, which resulted in the man having 30 stitches in his foot. 

The Yosemite National Park's Half Dome is over 1500 metres, but the final vertical 120 metres is where most injuries or deaths occur

The Yosemite National Park's Half Dome is over 1500 metres, but the final vertical 120 metres is where most injuries or deaths occur

Yosemite National Park's Half Dome, California

Only the most intrepid explorers can attempt the last 120 metres of the Half Dome of Yosemite Valley, which is a near vertical face. 

Climbers must use metal cables to aid them to the top, and there have been several reported deaths in the attempt. 

Around 60 people have died on the Half Dome, and many have slipped on wet rock to the dangerous rocky bottom of the cliff, known as the 'Death Slabs.'

In 2011 three hikers sadly lost their lives here, two of whom were engulfed by the rapid water at the bottom. Hikers have also died from being hit by lightening. 

The stunning Cliffs of Moher in Ireland boast incredible views of the Atlantic Ocean, but can prove fatal to tourists due to the lack of handrails

The stunning Cliffs of Moher in Ireland boast incredible views of the Atlantic Ocean, but can prove fatal to tourists due to the lack of handrails

Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland

The Irish Cliffs of Moher are a highly popular tourist destination, and attracted one million visitors in 2006. 

The stunning 120 mete-high cliffs consist of mainly Namurian shale and sandstone, and are home to an estimated 30,000 birds, from over 20 species. 

Although the natural beauty of the cliff remains, the lack of handrails can prove dangerous for visitors. 

Sadly a number of individuals have fallen to their deaths, including a doctor in 2012. 

Katherine Webster, director of the Cliffs of Moher Vistor Experience, said: 'We have introduced a range of visitor management and education measures at the Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience but unfortunately we still see visitors taking crazy risks from time to time. 

'Not only are they putting themselves at risk but they are also increasing the chance of others going into danger either through copycat behaviour or to rescue them when they get into difficulty. 

'They can also have a negative impact on the beautiful environment they have come to enjoy through wildlife impact, trail creep and increased erosion.'

The 180 metre high Skellig Michael  boasts incredible views of the ancient monastery and Atlantic Ocean, however there is a dangerous climb to reach it, up 600 old and slippery steps

The 180 metre high Skellig Michael boasts incredible views of the ancient monastery and Atlantic Ocean, however there is a dangerous climb to reach it, up 600 old and slippery steps

Skellig Michael, Ireland

The spectacular Skellig Michael is an island located in the Atlantic Ocean in County Kerry in Ireland. 

It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996, due to the ancient Christian monastery on the site, which was founded at some point between the 6th and 8th century.  

A perilous climb of 600 stairs, that are over 1000 years old, leads up the steep sides of this rocky island, and are often slippery and highly dangerous. 

In 2009, two deaths led to a review of the safety conditions on the island, but there are still no handrails or fencing in place to assist with the ascent.  

What better way to experience the most active volcano on earth in action, than flying in a helicopter to see the lava. However this has caused 40 deaths between 1992 and 2002 

What better way to experience the most active volcano on earth in action, than flying in a helicopter to see the lava. However this has caused 40 deaths between 1992 and 2002 

Hawaii Volcano Helicopter tours

Hawaii has three incredible active volcanoes, which lure helicopters of tourists wanting to see them up close in action. 

However spurts of lava have been known to reach as high as a cubic mile, and several tourists have been hit as they have flown above. 

Thirty people died from this in 1995, and 45 serious injuries between 1992-2002 and in 2007 they shut down the bicycle tour on Kilaluea, the most active volcano on Earth, following the deaths of three people during that year. 

The bike tours have since reopened, but tourists are driven to the top of the volcanoes, before getting the bikes to ride down. Apart from the burning lava, deadly volcanic gases and losing control of the bike account for many serious injuries. 

The incredible Colorado River System has long been a favourite with white water rafters. However many fatalities have occurred, and alcohol and inexperience have been named amongst the causes

The incredible Colorado River System has long been a favourite with white water rafters. However many fatalities have occurred, and alcohol and inexperience have been named amongst the causes

Colorado River System

The Colorado River System is a 1,450 mile river that encompasses parts of seven US, and two Mexican, states. 

Despite being one of the most visually stunning river systems, in the United States, accidents and fatalities have been common with white water rafters.

In 2014, 15 deaths occurred in the first seven months, and it was thought to have been caused by fast currents and high water. 

This was an increase from in 2007, where 12 fatalities took place, along with 275 accidents and 176 injuries.

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department blamed the high water levels on snow from above melting and affecting the water system.

In 2013 a 21-year-old woman was found in the Colorado River System two months after disappearing on a month-long rafting trip with the autopsy revealing that she had been drinking excessively at the time of her death.

Alcohol and inexperience have been cited as one of the biggest causes of fatalities, with tourists unable to handle the currents. 

The 'Death Road' in Bolivia connects the Amazon rainforest region of northern Bolivia, or Yungas, to its capital city. The mainly single-lane road has no guard rails and cliffs of up to 600 metres, resulting in about 300 deaths every year

The 'Death Road' in Bolivia connects the Amazon rainforest region of northern Bolivia, or Yungas, to its capital city. The mainly single-lane road has no guard rails and cliffs of up to 600 metres, resulting in about 300 deaths every year

'Death Road,' La Paz, Bolivia

Famous as being one of the most dangerous road in the world, the North Yungas Road in Bolivia is known as Death Road, referring to the hundreds of lives it claims every year. 

The 43 mile long, 2,000 ft high has no guard rails, to prevent cyclists or motorbikes falling off the steep cliff edges. 

The stunning scenery attracts more than 25,000 mountain bikers every year, but the road is covered by little wooden crosses to mark the deaths, which can reach up to 300 per year.

The statistic came after a study by the Inter-American Development Bank, who proclaimed it was the World's Most Dangerous Road.


The Mount Hua Shan walk way is a perilous narrow climb with extremely steep rock faces facing brave climbers. About 100 death are thought to occur annually

Mount Hua Shan plank path walk, China

The 2154 metre Mount Hua Shan's plank path walk is notorious for being one of the most deadly walking trails in the world. 

The tiny walkway is carved into a sacred Taoist mountain, and includes vertical ascents, steep staircases and narrow walkways, with only a small chain to cling onto. 

Tourists flock to the precarious site to reach the monasteries at the top, but the pilgrimage is thought to claim 100 lives every year.   




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