중년 이후 뱃살 고민, 나이에 관계없이 '근육'부터 길러라 How to Build Muscle When You Are Over 40

Strength training and weight-bearing exercise keep you healthy.
케이콘텐츠 kcontents



중년이 되면 복부비만을 더 이상 피할 수 없다고 자포자기하는 사람들이 늘어난다. 40대 이후에는 신진대사 속도의 둔화로 살이 찌게 된다는 것인데 반드시 그런 것만은 아니다. 근육밀도를 조금만 높인다면 얼마든지 복부비만을 예방할 수 있다. 

나이가 들면 신진대사의 속도가 느려지는 것은 사실이다. 이와 더불어 근육량이 줄어드는데 30세 이후부터 10년 단위씩 8%정도 감소하고, 50세가 넘으면 10% 이상씩 줄어들게 된다. 

미국의 보스턴 퀸시대학 운동생리학자 웨인 웨스트코트 박사는 “20대에서 40대 사이에는 매년 근육 225g 정도 소실된다”며 “그러다가 50대에 접어들면 매년 450g 이상의 근육이 빠져나간다”고 미국 여성건강지 우먼즈헬스를 통해 밝혔다. 

과학자들은 나이를 먹음에 따라 근육이 소실되는 원인을 정확하게 밝혀내지는 못했다. 하지만 현재까지 가장 유력한 이론에 따르면 나이가 들수록 근육이 생성되는 속도보다 소실되는 속도가 빨라진다. 근육은 신진대사의 작용으로 활성화되는데, 나이가 들면 신진대사가 느려져 근육도 감소하게 된다는 것이다. 

결과적으로 나이가 들수록 유산소운동만으로는 뱃살을 빼기가 어려워진다. 나이가 어릴 때는 심장강화운동을 통해 탄탄한 배를 유지할 수 있지만 나이가 들면 반드시 근력운동을 병행해줘야 복부비만을 예방할 수 있다는 것이다. 

그렇다면 근육운동은 얼마나 해야 할까. 웨스트코트 박사에 따르면 일주일에 최소 2번 25분씩 근력운동을 하면 체력이 보강돼 좀 더 활성화된 신진대사를 유지할 수 있다. 

웨스트코트 박사가 21~80세 사이 1600명의 사람들을 대상으로 진행한 연구 결과다. 실험참여자들에게 12가지의 다양한 근력운동을 하도록 했다. 각 동작마다 8~12회 정도 반복하면 근육의 피로도가 상당히 높다고 느낄 만큼의 강도로 진행했다. 

주 2회씩 10주간 근력운동을 한 결과, 실험참가자들의 근육이 평균 1.4㎏ 정도 증가하는 결과를 보였다. 웨스트코트 박사는 “이러한 결과는 나이가 6살 어려지는 것과 같은 효과”라고 말했다. 

또 25살 청년이든 75살 고령층이든 나이에 상관없이 모든 연령대 그룹에서 유사한 결과가 나타났다. 일주일에 2회 25분 정도 시간을 할애하는 것은 큰 부담이 되는 수준이 아니다. 누구나 운동을 통해 체력을 강화하고 뱃살이 찌는 것을 예방할 수 있다는 것이다. 



by LaVonne Taylor, Demand Media

Resistance exercise and cardio routines are equally important as you age. People in their 30s and 40s who don't perform regular resistance exercise lose about half a pound of muscle a year. After the age of 50 that doubles to about a pound a year, according to Wayne L. Westcott, Ph.D, C.S.C.S. Muscle atrophy can lead to infirmity and the inability to care for yourself. But the good news is resistance training and weight-bearing exercise, such as walking, keep the muscles toned and healthy. In addition, exercise stimulates the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus, the area of the brain associated with memory, learning and the ability to make decisions.

Step 1

Perform resistance training with dumbbells or resistance bands two to three times a week. Work out the major muscle groups with squats or lunges for the lower body, biceps curls and triceps extensions for the arms, lateral arm lifts for the deltoids, flyes for the upper back, chest presses for the front and crunches for your core. If you've never resistance trained before or have been away from it for awhile, take it slow and easy. You might want to start by using your body weight only.

Step 2

Choose a weight that's comfortable for you depending on your level of fitness. You can sit or stand for the upper-body exercises. Remember, it's more effective to keep the muscle engaged throughout the move. Do the movements slowly with control, repeating the move until your muscles feel tired or you feel a slight burning sensation. When three sets of 15 reps become easy, you can increase weight.

Related Reading: Daily Workouts That Build Muscle for the Health of Men Over 50

Step 3

Strengthen opposing muscles. For example, if you work out the biceps, it's a good idea to also exercise the triceps, or if you are building quadriceps, you'll want to build muscle in the gluteus maximus and hamstrings as well. This is also a good reason for doing large muscle group exercises. Squats engage all of the large muscles of the lower body, making this an efficient move. Pushups are effective for the upper body. For those with less upper-body strength, start pushups facing a wall. Place your hands at shoulder height, lower your body until your nose almost touches the wall and slowly push away.

Step 4

Do crunches or planks for a strong core. Crunches are executed lying on your back with knees bent toward the ceiling, tucking your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. Lift your shoulders off the floor about 2 inches or as high as you can. Point your chin to the ceiling and lift. In the beginning, you can cross your arms in front of your chest. As your core becomes stronger, lightly link your fingers behind your head. But be careful not to fall into the trap of pulling on the back of your head with your hands. Do a plank by lying face down on the floor, lift your torso by placing your elbows on the floor under your shoulders. Position your feet on your toes so your body resembles a plank of wood. Hold this position for as long as you can. Rest and repeat. As you increase in strength, you can raise yourself to your hands.

Step 5

Include the activities that give you enjoyment when considering the aerobic or cardio portion of your exercise regimen. Walking, dancing or hiking with friends are just three possibilities for getting your heart rate up. "You want to break a light sweat and feel like you're huffing and puffing, but you should still be able to speak," says Majid Fotuhi, M.D., chairman of the Neurology Institute for Brain Health and Fitness in Lutherville, Maryland. The gold standard is 30 minutes over five days or 150 minutes a week. Studies show that it's a good idea to get outside in a green environment. Try to avoid crowded, noisy venues.


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