아티스트 더스틴 옐린의 뉴욕화랑에 전시된 신비스러운 3차원 조각품 Dustin Yellin's 3D Sculptures Leap Into New York City Ballet Hall

아티스트 더스틴 옐린의 뉴욕화랑에 전시된 3차원 조각품: 


마치 SF영화를 보는 듯한 신비로운 느낌이 든다.레진(resin) 또는 유리로 되어 있고 그 안에 들어있는 조형물 같은 건 놀랍게도 아크릴이나 잉크로 형상화 한 것이라고 한다. 케이콘텐츠 kcontents

Posted by Kelcee Griffis.

Dustin Yellin’s joyful, glass-encased collage figures at the New York City Ballet are breathing warmth and life into the city’s premier venue for fine performing arts. The artist’s 15 larger-than-life installations — recently added to the Lincoln Center’s main hall —depict human forms precipitated out of colorful flower petals and other three-dimensional materials.

The figures, part of his series Psychogeographies, appear to be frozen in fluid motion. They leap, kick and jump with outstretched arms, evoking images of graceful poise and exuberant self-expression. The figures are further animated by light streaming through the turquoise-tinted glass encasings. They are perhaps denser than they appear: Each sculpture weighs about 3,000 pounds.

This installation is characteristic of the work for which Yellin has become famous. Although most sculptures created by the 38-year-old Brooklyn resident are considerably smaller, they usually depict 3D human shapes suspended in glass.

Dustin Yellin's website
via [The Huffington PostThe New York Times]

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