버려진 아기 사자, 사람과 절친되다 Abandoned lion cub who became best friends with man..(video)

Abandoned lion cub who became best friends with man: First seen leaping onto him with 'grateful hug' lioness is now star of film about how he taught her to hunt

Friends for life: The story of the abandoned lion cub Sirga who was raised by a German wildlife enthusiast in 

his 20s was one of the most shared stories on social media last year

버림받은 사자와 그를 키운 한 남성의 우정을 담은 사진들이 공개돼 네티즌들에게 감동을 선사했다.

독일 출신의 발렌타인 그뤼너(27)는 최근 자신이 키우는 암사자 시르가(Sirga)와의 아름다운 우정을 다룬 동영상을 유튜브에 공개했다.

이 동영상은 거대한 사자와 포옹을 나누는 그뤼너, 사자와 그뤼너가 야생에서 즐거운 한때를 보내는 모습 등을 담고 있다.

맹수 중의 맹수인 사자와 우정을 나누는 것은 쉽지 않은 일이지만, 암사자 시르가에게 그뤼너는 특별한 존재다. 시르가는 보츠나와의 한 초원 농장에 굶주린 채 버려져 있었고, 당시 야생보호프로젝트를 진행하고 있던 그뤼너는 곧장 어린 암사자 시르가를 구조해 목숨을 살렸다.

그후 3년 뒤, 시르가는 시도 때도 없이 그뤼너에게 안기고 애교를 부리는 등 마음을 활짝 연 한 식구가 됐다.

그뤼너는 “시르가가 처음으로 자신이 사냥한 것을 내게 가져왔을 때를 잊지 못한다. 언젠가 시르가가 야생으로 돌아가야 한다는 것을 알고 있었기 때문”이라고 전했다.

그뤼너와 시르가의 우정을 담은 짧은 동영상은 유튜브에서 1500만 건이 넘는 조회수를 기록하면서 화제를 모았다.

맹수와 인간의 아름다운 우정은 다큐멘터리로 제작 중이다. 다큐멘터리를 제작한 제작사 측은 “우리가 알고 있는 사람과 사자 간의 모든 관계를 초월하는 인상적인 스토리”라고 소개했다.

이들의 다큐멘터리 ‘라이온 하트’(LionHeart)는 2015년 내 개봉할 예정이다.

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Video of lion hugging her conservationist carer went viral last year

Lioness Sirga was saved as a cub by 27-year-old Valentin Gruener

New documentary follows pair as Mr Gruener teaches Sirga to hunt

By Sara Malm for MailOnline 

The lioness who became one of the biggest online video stars of 2014 is now being taught to hunt - by the human carer who starred in the viral hit clip with her.

The heartwarming video showing lioness Sirga 'hugging' conservationist Valentin Gruener is approaching 15million views on YouTube.

The story of how Mr Gruener, 27, from Germany, raised the 310lbs lioness from a young cub, saving her life, saw him named on Google's inspirational list for 2014.

Scroll down for video 

Best buds: Conservationist Valentin Gruener, 27, raised Sirga after she was abandoned by her pride

Now the pair embark on a new journey together, Sirga needs to learn how to hunt - and who better to teach her than Mr Gruener. 

Sirga's way back to the wild is being filmed for a new documentary series which tells the story of the abandoned and dying lion cub who formed a powerful bond of friendship and trust with a young German man.

Sirga was left destitute by its captive pride on land owned by Willie De Graaff, of the Grasslands farm in the Kalahari of Botswana.

Mr Gruener, who works on the Modisa Wildlife Project, was given permission to try and save the cub's life.

The pair became inseparable and now, three years later, every time Mr Gruener opens the gate to her enclosure, Sirga jumps on him and gives him a hug.

Best buds: Conservationist Valentin Gruener, 27, raised Sirga after she was abandoned by her pride

New challenge: A documentary series follows Sirga and Mr Gruener as he teaches her how to hunt

New challenge: A documentary series follows Sirga and Mr Gruener as he teaches her how to hunt

As Sirga does not have a pride to teach her how to hunt, Mr Gruener has to get down and dirty and show her

As Sirga does not have a pride to teach her how to hunt, Mr Gruener has to get down and dirty and show her

In order to teach her how to live as a wild lion, Mr Gruener has spent many hours crouching in scrubland or pouncing in watering holes alongside Sirga

In order to teach her how to live as a wild lion, Mr Gruener has spent many hours crouching in scrubland or pouncing in watering holes alongside Sirga

Success? A proud Sirga managed to catch a large swollen toad, and carried it in her mouth

Success? A proud Sirga managed to catch a large swollen toad, and carried it in her mouth

With no pride to teach Sirga how to hunt Mr Gruener made a commitment to help her become a self-sufficient hunter - showing her how catch her own food in the bush.

'She learned to be patient, to stalk and go into ambush,' said Mr Gruener, who spent many hours crouching in scrubland or pouncing in watering holes alongside Sirga.

'The day she brought down her first antelope was the most amazing day of my life, because I realised that she would one day be able to look after herself in the wild,' he added proudly.

'It's an extraordinary story that transcends all known borders between man and lion, predator and prey,' said Jurgen Jozefowicz of Tauana Films.

Meanwhile Mr Gruener is fulfilling a lifelong ambition by living with lions in the wilds of Africa.

'It was always my dream since I was a small child,' he said.

'Now, to be in this environment, it's just amazing. I actually made it. I live here, I've raised a lioness, I can go hunting with that lioness,' he added.

As one: Mr Gruener is fulfilling a lifelong ambition by living with lions in the wilds of Africa

As one: Mr Gruener is fulfilling a lifelong ambition by living with lions in the wilds of Africa

Family: Mr Gruener observes as a veterinarian cares for his beloved lioness friend

Family: Mr Gruener observes as a veterinarian cares for his beloved lioness friend

The new documentary has been called an 'extraordinary story that transcends all known borders between man and lion, predator and prey' by its makers

The new documentary has been called an 'extraordinary story that transcends all known borders between man and lion, predator and prey' by its makers

Sustainable living: A team from the Modisa Wildlife Project feed a group of young male lions in an enclosure

Sustainable living: A team from the Modisa Wildlife Project feed a group of young male lions in an enclosure

'I spend every day of my life out here. I'm simply living the dream I've always had,' added Mr Gruener, who credits the landowner Willie De Graaff for giving him the opportunity to save Sirga.

To protect his livestock De Graaff once shot lions on his game farm. He later vowed to stop killing the majestic predators and converted into an avid conservationist.

'Willie gave me the chance to realise my dream to care for lions,' said Val.

'Without him I would not have met Sirga - and she has taught me more in three years than I could learn anywhere else in a lifetime,' added the wildlife enthusiast, who works in close collaboration with Mikkel Legarth 32, his co-founder at the Modisa Wildlife Project.

After many months of grueling work in the bush the filmmakers are delighted with the tender narrative that emerged.

'To walk with a lion in the wild, to record a unique friendship and capture the story of a young lioness born into captivity, and her development from naive novice to adult huntress, has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience,' said producer and DOP Jurgen Jozefowicz.

The touching documentaries titled 'Lionheart' are due for worldwide release in 2015.



