사람같이 진짜 행복해 보이는 강아지 가족 New Puppy Joins in Adorable Duo Harlow and Indiana's Daily Cuddles(VIDEO)

지난 12월 할로우와 인디아나는 리스라 불리는 새 가족을 맞이했다. 리스는 빨리 적응해나갔고 큰눈과 작은 체구 그리고 천진난만함은 가족들에게 사랑스러움이 무엇인지를 가르쳐 줬다. 할로우의 언니 사지는 불행히도 2013년 저세상으로 가고 대신 인디아나가 왔다. - 케이콘텐츠-

As of this past December, the adorable canine duo Harlow and Indiana have welcomed a new little sister to the family! Reese (also called Reese Lightning), a miniature dachshund, was greeted with curious looks and cautious sniffs when she first arrived, but as these heartwarming photos show, she quickly joined in her older sisters' daily cuddles. With her big eyes, tiny body, and puppy-dog friskiness, Reese makes for an absolutely aww-worthy addition to the family.

Harlow, a Weimaraner, has gained a huge following on Instagram for the cute snapshots that her owner posts. The account name Harlow and Sage references Sage, Harlow's older sister who sadly passed away in 2013. Luckily, Indiana was soon introduced to brighten up Harlow's spirits, and now Reese makes for double the fun.

Harlow and Sage website
Harlow and Sage on Instagram
via [Bored Panda], [Izismile]

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