세계 미개봉 장노출 사진 15선 15 Creative Long Exposures Capture a World Unseen

Firefly trails. Fireworks that look like balloons. These are just some of the long exposure photos we've seen over the years that opened us up to a whole new world. Today we're taking a look at 15 photos that took long exposure to a whole new level. These photos captured movement unseen by the naked eye, and in doing so, gave us a whole new way to appreciate all the extra seconds in life. From Caleb Charland's stunning silhouette made with matches (above) to NASA's beautiful shot of star trails, enjoy this compilation of creative long exposures.

Photo: Caleb Charland

Planes Taking Off

Photo: Terence Chang

Man Shooting Light Out of His Chest

Photo: Dennis Calvert


Photo: David Johnson


Photo: Alan Sailer


Photo: Tsuneaki Hiramatsu


Photo: Yume Cyan

Golden Wave

Photo: David Orias


Photo: Stephen Orlando

Star Trails Bursting

Photo: Lincoln Harrison


Photo: Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard

Rotating Helicopter Blades

Photo: Andreas Feininger

Swirling Light

Photo: Martin Kimbell

Red Head Lamp

Photo: Tristan O'Tierney

Star Trails

Photo: Don Pettit, NASA


