하와이 용암, 마을 앞까지…주민들 대피 나서 Mesmerizing 'lavafall' cascades over hill in Hawaii as volcanic river VIDEO

Mesmerizing 'lavafall' cascades over hill in Hawaii as volcanic river of fire continues to consume island

하와이 용암, 마을 앞 까지…주민들 대피 나서




진입로에서 0.3㎞ 떨어진 경사면까지 도달해
검은 연기 흘러들어와 주민 호흡기 장애 우려


하와이 빅아일랜드 킬라우에아 화산에서 흘러나온 용암이 13일(현지 시각) 인구 950명의 작은 마을 파호아 문턱까지 접근하면서 주민들이 본격적인 대피에 나섰다.


용암은 지난 3일 마을 입구에 있는 집 한 채를 집어삼킨 채 현재 마을 진입 도로에서 0.2마일(0.3㎞) 떨어진 경사면까지 도달한 상태라고 현지 언론들은 전했다. 시속 10m를 조금 웃도는 ‘거북이 행보’지만 지난 10일부터 사흘간 쉬지 않고 500야드(0.45㎞)를 전진해온 것이다.


인근 철도 환승역도 위험에 빠졌다. 이 환승역은 폐쇄된 채 폐기물 처리장으로 활용돼왔다. 하지만, 마을 주민들은 용암에 대비해 폐기물 처리장을 다른 곳으로 옮긴 상태다.


용암은 현재 세 갈래로 나뉘어 하나는 공동묘지 쪽으로, 나머지는 환승역 쪽으로 흐르고 있다. 특히 매캐한 검은 연기가 바람을 타고 민가 쪽으로 흘러들어오면서 주민들의 호흡기 장애도 우려된다. 이 같은 긴박한 상황 속에 용암 이동 예상 경로에 있는 민가 50채 주민들은 본격적인 대피에 나서기 시작했다. 하와이 카운티 당국도 용암의 흐름을 예의주시하고있다.<한겨레>


Lava from a volcano on Hawaii's Big Island is inching closer to the small town of Pahoa
Molten rock is currently breaking out of three spots near the town, which has around 1,000 residents
Hawaii County Civil Defense say the breakouts do not pose an immediate threat to area residents
The Kilauea volcano has been erupting continuously for more than 31 years, and destroyed a home this week

By Sadie Whitelocks for MailOnline

Cascading down the hillside burning everything in its path, this is the moment a 'lavafall' breaks over a grassy bank in Hawaii.

Video footage shows three streams of molten rock oozing through the metal fence of a waste recycling facility in Pahoa earlier this week and slowly trickling down - some tributaries blending into one.


As the fiery liquid moves over vegetation, smoke plumes erupt and flames flicker with temperatures hitting close to 2,000-degrees Fahrenheit.

Scroll down from video 


On fire: Cascading down the hillside burning everything in its path, this is the moment a 'lavafall' breaks over a grassy bank in Hawaii

On fire: Cascading down the hillside burning everything in its path, this is the moment a 'lavafall' breaks over a grassy bank in Hawaii

Mesmerizing: Video footage shows three streams of molten rock oozing through the metal fence of a waste recycling facility in Pahoa and slowly trickling down - some tributaries blending into one

Mesmerizing: Video footage shows three streams of molten rock oozing through the metal fence of a waste recycling facility in Pahoa and slowly trickling down - some tributaries blending into one


The Big Island is known for having some of world's most beautiful waterfalls but this scene, captured Tuesday, puts a rather hellish spin on things.

Lava began erupting from Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano on June 27.

The flow has traveled more than 13 miles since then and is currently oozing through the rural town of Pahoa, which has around 1,000 residents, destroying cemeteries and homes in its path.  

Kilauea has been erupting continuously for more than 31 years. 

Earlier flows traveled south, smothering the Royal Garden and Kalapana subdivisions in the 1980s and 1990s.

They destroyed more than 180 homes between 1983 and 1990, but until this week, none had been lost since 2012.


Unstoppable: As the fiery liquid moves over vegetation, smoke plumes erupt and flames flicker

Unstoppable: As the fiery liquid moves over vegetation, smoke plumes erupt and flames flicker

Nightmare: The Big Island is known for having some of world's most beautiful waterfalls but this scene, captured Tuesday, puts a rather hellish spin on things

Nightmare: The Big Island is known for having some of world's most beautiful waterfalls but this scene, captured Tuesday, puts a rather hellish spin on things

Time to move: The first Hawaiian house which was overtaken by the consumed this week by the lava from the Kilauea volcano this week

Time to move: The first Hawaiian house which was overtaken by the consumed this week by the lava from the Kilauea volcano this week

Being monitored: A geologist examines the margin of a lobe of lava from the Kilauae volcano that began on June 27 that has inflated significantly after destroying a residence Monday in Pahoa

Being monitored: A geologist examines the margin of a lobe of lava from the Kilauae volcano that began on June 27 that has inflated significantly after destroying a residence Monday in Pahoa






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