인도 고속철도 시장, 중국 일본 격전장 Japan, China in race to sell India their high-speed trains

일본 적극적 공략



Potential High Speed Rail lines

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일본과 중국에 의한 인도 고속철도 시장에 뛰어 들기 위한 경쟁이 재연하고 있다고 지난27일 인도 영자지(英字紙) 타임즈 오브 인디어가 밝혔다.

타임즈 오브 인디어 보도에 따르면 일본은 어메드바드~문바이 간에 신칸센 방식에 의한 고속철도 네트워크 실용화 조사를 이미 개시하였다. 금주 말 인도 모디 수상이 방일(訪日)할 때 그 결과를 보고한다.


일본 아베신조(安倍晉三) 수상은 인도에 대해 신칸센에 의한 고속철도 네트워크를 적극적으로 수주할 계획을 세우고 있다.


한편 세계최장 고속철도 네트워크를 가지고 있는 중국은 일본보다도 낮은 비용으로 차량을 판매할 목표를 세우고 있다. 9월 중순에는 중국 시진핑(習近平) 국가주석이 인도를 방문할 예정이다.


인도에서는 델리~아그라 간이나 마이솔~방가롤~춘나이 간 등 노선에 고속철도 네트워크를 구축할 계획을 가지고 있다.

emerging media Response



Japan, China in race to sell India their high-speed trains



NEW DELHI: China and Japan are once again in competition, this time for the lucrative high speed rail network market in India.


The Japanese are already working on a feasibility study for the Shinkansen network on the Ahmedabad-Mumbai corridor, the results of which will be shared with the Indian side in the run-up to the PM's visit to Japan this weekend. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to make a strong pitch for India to buy the Shinkansen high speed network. Kyoto, where Modi lands on Saturday, has the best known Shinkansen connection with Tokyo.


Meanwhile, China, which now has the longest high-speed rail network in the world, is keen to sell their trains to India, at a price much lower than the Japanese. The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, will arrive for his maiden visit to India in mid-September.


Japan is hardselling better quality and higher safety standards, while China is pitching lower costs.


According to officials familiar with developments, Japan, at present enjoys a slight edge largely due to its safety record. China has had at least one spectacular high speed rail accident, killing hundreds. However, the Shinkansen's cost is prohibitively high, and despite having a fail-proof safety and speed system for almost half a century, Japan has not had great success in selling it overseas.


However, a new Japanese entity, International High-Speed Rail Association, comprising all the companies that build high speed railways in Japan will try to convince India about its product in October, said officials. Given the projected cost for each train at around Rs 60,000 crore (as announced by railway minister Sadananda Gowda in his railway budget speech) officials said Japan can sweeten the offer with a better financial deal, including FDI.


China has been sounded out on upgrading India's ageing and inefficient railways infrastructure, even building new stations. But the prize is the bullet trains because they are outright buys. China, which plans to have 19,000 km under high speed rail network from its present 11,000 by 2015, is now looking for private investment into the railway sector. Thus far, it has been funded solely by the government. But Chinese premier Li Keqiang announced on Sunday that henceforth China's railway growth, which he sees as essential for China's development would have to come from private sources.

India is planning to build high speed train networks on other routes su

ch as Delhi-Agra, Delhi-Chandigarh, Mysore-Bangalore-Chennai, Mumbai-Goa and Hyderabad-Secunderabad.





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