일본, 태풍피해 속출...강력 태풍 18호 북상 중 19호도 Powerful Typhoon Vongfong Slamming Okinawa, Mainland Japan Next


This animated GIF shows Vongfong tracking across the western Pacific Ocean. (NOAA/Satellite)


제18호 태풍에 이어 태풍 19호도 북상 중이어서 피해가 커질 것으로 우려되고 있다. 일본 기상청에 따르면 18호 태풍은 6일 현재 일본 아이치현 앞바다서 최대 순간풍속 50㎧, 중심기압 950h㎩의 규모를 유지한 채 북상 중이다.

북상 중인 18호 태풍은 간토지방으로 상륙해 국지적으로 시간당 80∼100㎜의 비를 뿌릴 것으로 보인다. 이에 따라 시즈오카현 마키노하라시가 1만 6000여 가구 약 4만 8000천 명에 대해 피난 권고를 내리는 등 각지에서 산사태, 침수 피해 등을 우려한 대피령이 발효된 것으로 전해졌다.


일본 당국은 JR도카이가 나고야, 시즈오카 등을 오가는 열차 운행을 중단하기로 했으며 도쿄 하네다공항을 이착륙하는 항공기 420편도 결항한 것으로 알려졌다. 특히 북상 중인 18호 태풍은 전날부터 규슈 남부, 시코쿠, 긴키, 간토 등에 차례로 강풍과 비를 동반했으며 이에 따른 인명 피해도 발생했다.


한편 교도통신에 따르면 5일 가나가와현에서 미군 병사 4명이 태풍 18호 북상의 영향으로 높아진 파도에 휩쓸렸다. 이 중 1명이 사망한 것으로 알려졌다. [이데일리 e뉴스 박종민 기자]


By Eric Leister, Meteorologist

While Japan is recovering from former Typhoon Phanfone, another typhoon is approaching the country.

Typhoon Vongfong, meaning "the wasp" in Cantonese, is currently crossing the Rtykyu Islands, located to the south of Japan. The center of the typhoon passed across the island of Okinawa very late Saturday night into early Sunday morning, local time.


This dangerous typhoon has already recorded a brutal history. Vongfong brought flooding rainfall and damaging wind to the northern Mariana Islands on last Sunday, local time. Wind gusts over 89 kph (55 mph) and rainfall over 75 millimeters (3 inches) were common.


Vongfong, as a super typhoon on Thursday, Oct. 9, viewed from the International Space Station (Photo/International Space Station).


Vongfong was classified as a super typhoon during the middle of the week as it moved through an area of low wind shear and very warm ocean temperatures but has since lost that title. The tropical system had reached the equivalent strength of a Category 5 hurricane, featuring wind speeds greater than 257 kph (160 mph).


"Vongfong became the strongest tropical cyclone we've had all year anywhere on Earth," AccuWeather.com Meteorologist Jim Andrews said.


The strength of Vongfong earlier surpassed that of Super Typhoon Genevieve which, at its most powerful, had sustained winds of 257 kph (160 mph) in the West Pacific.



Some weakening has brought the strength of Vongfong down to the equivalent of a Category 1 hurricane with sustained winds of 138 kph (86 mph). However, Vongfong still threatens dangerous and life-threatening conditions.

The potent typhoon will bring life-threatening conditions to many over the course of the next few days.

"Destructive winds and flooding rain will be the top threats," Andrews said.


The first target is the Ryukyu Islands of southern Japan which are currently feeling the full wrath of the typhoon. So far, wind has peaked at 143 kph (89 mph) at the Kadena Air Base in Okinawa. Nearby, about 500 mm (20 inches) of rain has fallen at Kunigami as of midnight Saturday night.


Power outages have already occurred while flash flooding is also a major concern. Conditions will gradual improve across the Ryukyu Islands Sunday into Sunday night as Vongfong pulls away to the north.


After battering the Ryukyu Islands, the focus will then shift to mainland Japan. The worst impacts across mainland Japan are expected from late Sunday through early Tuesday as typhoon-force winds and inundating rainfall spread from southwest to northeast across the nation.


A landfall on the island of Kyushu near Kagoshima is expected to occur Sunday night and into early Monday as Vongfong begins to accelerate northeastward.



Weakening of Vongfong is expected as the typhoon approaches and moves across mainland Japan; however, the storm will still bring life-threatening conditions to most of Japan with the greatest impacts expected in Kyushu, Shikoku and southern Honshu. there flooding rainfall will combine with damaging wind gusts.


Rainfall in much of Japan will surpass 125 mm (5 inches) from Sunday to Tuesday with much of Kyushu, Shikoku and southern Honshu seeing in excess of 250 mm (10 inches). AccuWeather.com meteorologists warn that over 500 mm (20 inches) could fall in some of the mountains terrain which will not only lead to flooding, but the risk for mudslides as well.

Many areas at risk from Vongfong are still recovering from more than 150 millimeters (6 inches) of rain and strong winds that hammered eastern Japan barely a week ago as Typhoon Phanfone moved through the region.


Tokyo was deluged by 272 millimeters (10.71 inches) of rain ahead of and during the height of Phanfone.


"Phanfone was a huge rainstorm for Tokyo, one of the biggest I can remember," Andrews added, noting moisture from the storm interacted with a stalled front, prolonging the duration of rain.


There could be another round of flooding rainfall in Tokyo Monday and Monday night with up to 150 (6 inches) of rain expected in some places.


"The threats are the same as they were with Phanfone," Andrews said. "There are some likenesses but also some differences in Phanfone's track. The results can vary markedly with small differences in track and storm speed."







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