UAE 원전 3호기 원자로 첫 콘크리트 타설 Pouring of concrete for unit 3 at Barakah nuclear plant begins

Planned commencement of operation in 2017 on schedule

2017년 상업 운전 예정


Image Credit: WAM



쿠웨이트 에미레이트 원자력단 ENEC는 바라카 원전 3호기 원자로에 첫 콘크리트를 타설하므로 쿠웨이트 최초 원전의 새로운 이정표를 세웠다고 밝혔다. 


이 작업은 국가원자력청 FANR의 시공 허가 후에 시행되었다.


1400m3이상의 콘크리트 물량이 타설되었으며 타설 기념식에는 Enec와 한전관계자, 현대건설 등이 참석했다고 현지 언론이 보도했다.


이번 3호기의 첫 안전 콘크리트 타설은 UAE 바라카원전 공정계획에 따른 본격적 착수를 의미한다.


본 작업을 위해서 12개월의 준비기간이 소요됐으며 이 준비작업에은 터파기와 린 콘크리트 타설 그리고 방수 및 철근 작업 등을 포함한다.


안전 콘크리트 타설은 원자로 지하부분의 안전과 관련된 작업 등을 의미한다

<에디터 황기철>


Pouring of concrete for unit 3 at Barakah

nuclear plant begins


Published: 17:14 September 24, 2014
Abu Dhabi: The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) has achieved another milestone in the development and complex construction of the UAE’s first nuclear energy plant by pouring the safety concrete for the Reactor Containment Building for Unit 3.


This significant milestone follows the receipt of the Construction Licence from the Federal Authority of Nuclear Regulation (FANR).


More than 1,954 cubic yards of concrete were poured during a concrete pouring ceremony attended by senior Enec and Kepco (Korea Electric Power Corporation) officials, a press release issued by Enec said on Wednesday.


This is the first safety concrete to be poured at Unit 3 and is the first stage in building the third reactor for the UAE’s nuclear programme.


Preparation works have been carried out over a 12-month period to arrive at the stage where the concrete could be poured.


This extensive preparation has included excavation works, lean-concrete to provide a base, waterproofing and reinforcing steel installation.


The safety concrete is the placement of the safety-related concrete that forms part of the lower basement structure of the reactor containment building.


Concrete placements will be a regular and ongoing process after the first placement is completed






Construction News


