포스코건설,11억불 규모 나이지리아 가스발전소 건설공사 수주 Ebonyi to build $1.14b independent power plant



포스코건설 100억불 철도공사 수주에 이른 쾌거

해외 수주 단일 플랜트 공사 최대 규모


포스코건설이 11억4000만달러(한화 약 1조2000억원) 규모의 나이지리아 최대 가스발전소를 수주했다.

이는 포스코건설이 해외에서 수주한 단일 플랜트 공사로는 사상 최대 규모다.


나이지리아 에보니 주정부와 포스코건설외 1개사는 12일 2700MW의 나이지리아 최대 가스발전소프로젝트에 대해 계약을 체결했다.


나이지리아 에보니주 source nigerianorientnews


가스발전소는 에보니 주정부 IkwoOferekpe/Akahuwhu Inyimegu지역 강 서안에 건설될 예정으로 소요 공기는 24개월이다.


에디터 황기철



Ebonyi to build $1.14b independent power plant


Ebonyi State government, on Wednesday, signed a $1.14 billion contract with  Posco, a South Korean company, for the construction of independent power station.


The project, with capacity to generate 2,700 megawatts of electricity when completed, will be the biggest independent power station in the country.


SOURCE energymixreport


The proposed power plant, jointly owned by Hodges and Bakers Field and Ebonyi State government, is expected be completed within 24 months.


The plant is to be located on the West bank of the Cross River in Oferekpe/Akahuwhu Inyimegu in Ikwo Local Government Area of Ebonyi state.


Speaking shortly after the contract was signed,  the Minister of Power, Professor Chinedu Nebo said the project would boost industrial revolution in the state and the South East and enhance the development of other sectors of the economy, affirming that the plant would be the single largest power plant in the country.


Nebo promised that the Federal Government would give the state necessary assistance to ensure that the project was actualized and commended Ebonyi State government for its visionary leadership.


Governor Martin Elechi said the project would increase the income stream of the state by N40 billion every year, to accelerate the development all sectors of the state’s economy.


He commended the Minister of Power and various partners for their cooperation to ensure the realization of the project.


The Chief Executive Officer Ebonyi Independent Plant, Mr Terry Moreland and the representative of the firm constructing the project, Mr KES Sion assured of their commitment to ensure the completion of the plant.


The event attracted major stakeholders in the state including the former Governor, Dr Sam Egwu, the founding fathers, lawmakers and officials of Christian Association of Nigeria.

The Guardian





Construction News


