세계 최고의 고속철 차량 Top10 Top ten fastest trains in the world VIDEO


세계 최고의 고속철 차량 Top10


유럽과 아시아는 현재 세계에서 가장 빠른 고속철도를 운영하고 있으며

중국 Shanghai Maglev와 Harmony CRH 380A이 대표적인 고속철 차량이다.


이 두 고속철 차량은 현재 세계의 모든 고속철 기록을 보유하고 있으며 세계에서 가장

빠른 고속철 차량으로 부각되고 있는 한국의 HEMU-400X, Zefiro 380 and Talgo Avril와

경쟁을 벌이고 있다.


현재 상용 중인 세계 최고의 고속철 차량 Top10을 소개한다.(2013년 9월 기준)



Shanghai Maglev Train - World's Fastest Train



Top ten fastest trains in the world



Shanghai Maglev


최대 시속 430km로 평균시속 251km로 주행하고 있는 상하이 마글레브는 2004년 4월에 첫 상용화됐으며

중국 최초의 자기부상 열차로 30.5km 연장의 상하이 마글레브노선을 운행하고 있다.


Shanghai Maglev tops the list with its maximum operational speed of 430km/h and average speed of 251kmph. The Maglev started commercial operations in April 2004.

It runs on the 30.5km Shanghai Maglev Line, which is the first commercially operated high-speed magnetic levitation line, extending from Longyang Road Station of Metro Line 2 and ending at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

Shanghai Maglev is owned and operated by Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development Co. (SMTDC). The train was constructed by a joint venture of Siemens and ThyssenKrupp.


Harmony CRH 380A


Harmony CRH 380A


하모니 CRH 380A는 최대 시속 380km를 낼 수 있으며 세계에서 2번째로 빠른 고속열차로 기록되고 있다.

2010년 10월에 첫 상용화되었으며 2010년 12월 시험선에서 시속 486.1km를 기록한 바 있다.

베이징~상하이를 운행 중이다.

Harmony CRH 380A, with maximum operational speed of 380kmph, is currently the second fastest operating train in the world.

The electric multiple unit (EMU) set a record by speeding at 486.1kmph during its trial operation on the Shanghai-Hangzhou intercity high-speed railway in December 2010.

The CRH 380A was put into operation in October 2010. It operates from Beijing to Shanghai and provides daily service along Wuhan to Guangzhou route.

The vibration free train was constructed by CSR Qingdao Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock. Its high design speed is a result of research carried out at various Chinese universities.


AGV Italo


AGV Italo


AGV Italo는  2012년 4월 가동한 첫 AGV 첫 계열차량로서 최대 시속 360km의 운행속도을 가지고 있

으며 유럽에서 가장 최신형의 고속철 차량으로 프랑스의 알스톰사에서 제작했다.

나폴리~밀리노구간을 운행하고 있다.

AGV Italo is the first train in the AGV Series which entered into service in April 2012. It has a maximum operational speed of 360kmph.

The train broke a record speed of 574.8kmph in April 2007.

Considered to be the most modern train in Europe, AGV Italo was built by Alstom. The train currently runs on the Napoli - Roma - Firenze - Bologna - Milano corridor.

The train complies with the European TSI interoperability standard, which includes safety, reliability and availability, health, environmental protection and technical compatibility.


Velaro E


Siemens Velaro E / AVS 103

AVE S 103 라는 이름으로 운행되고 있는 지멘스의 Velaro E는 세계에서 가장 빠른 고속차량에 속한다.

이 차량은 스페인에서 시험속도 시속 400km을 기록한 바 있으며 현재 시속 350km로 주행하고 있다.

스페인에서 독일로부터 주문하여 제작된 이 차량은 2007년 첫 상용화됐다.


Velaro E, designated as AVE S 103 in Spain, is the fastest series-production high-speed train in the world. It achieved a whopping speed of about 400kmph during its test trips in Spain.

The train possesses an operational speed of 350kmph.

The train was ordered by Spanish National Railways Renfe, and operates on the Barcelona-Madrid line. It was delivered in July 2005 and began operations in June 2007.

The design of the multiple-unit train was founded on the latest developments of the successful ICE 3 trainset designed for Deutsche Bahn.


Talgo 350


Talgo 350 (T350)


Talgo 350은 RENFE AVE Class 10라는 이름으로 처음 서비스가 시작되었으며 시험주행에서 최고시속 365km를 기록한

바 있다.

2005년부터 마드리드~레이다 구간을 운행하고 있다.

Talgo 350, which initially entered service with the name RENFE AVE Class 10, achieved a maximum speed of 365kmph during its trial run. The train has a maximum operational speed of 350kmph.

T350 was developed by Patentes Talgo (Tren Articulado Ligero Goicoechea Oriol) and manufactured by Patentes Talgo in collaboration with Bombardier Transportation.

Commonly known as El Pato (meaning The Duck in Spanish), the train has been operating on the Madrid-Zaragoza-Lleida section of the Madrid-Barcelona line in Spain since 2005. There are currently more than 46 operating trains of the series in the country.


E5 Series Shinkansen Hayabusa trains


E5 Series Shinkansen Hayabusa


신간선 하야부사 E5계열차량은 2011년 최대시속 300km로 첫 상용화되었으며 현재는 도호쿠 신간선라인을 최대시속 320km로 운행하고 있다. 현재 일본에서 가장 빠른 차량이며 시험속도 시속 400km를 기록한 바 있다.


E5 Series Shinkansen Hayabusa trains, which entered service in March 2011, with an initial maximum speed of 300km now run on the Tohoku Shinkansen Line with a maximum operating speed of 320kmph.

Currently the fastest in Japan, the train achieved a speed of about 400kmph during trials.

The train was manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industry (KHI) and Hitachi, while East Japan Railway Company (JR East) is the operator.

The train features full active suspension (FSA) system, which reduces the vibration of the moving bogies, and a 15m long nose which reduces the sound blast in tunnels.


Alstom-built Euroduplex

Alstom Euroduplex


알스톰사의 유로듀플렉스는 2011년 서비스를 시작한 TGV 3세대 차량이다.

세계 유일의 이층 구조로 되어 있으며 시속 320km로 유럽 어디에서 사용이 가능한 차량이다.

Alstom-built Euroduplex is the third generation of TGV Duplex, which entered service in December 2011. The trains in the series are touted to be the only double-decker, interoperable high-speed trains capable of running on European networks at 320kmph.

The Euroduplex was initially introduced on the Rhine-Rhone LGV high-speed rail line. The train is capable of transporting 1,020 passengers (multiple units), compared to TGV Duplex which transports about 512 passengers.

Euroduplex trains are designed to operate on French, German, Swiss and Luxembourgish rail networks. They are equipped with traction systems adapted to different electric currents used across Europe.

Some of the trains in the series will also be capable of operating in Spain.


TGV Duplex


TGV Duplex


TGV Duplex는 알스톰과 봄바르디아에 의해 1996~2004년동안 생산되었으며 최고시속 300km~320km를 낼 수 있다.

알스톰사의 첫 3세대 이층구조 고속철 차량으로 차량 무게를 줄이기 위해 알루미늄으로 제작됐다.


TGV Duplex was manufactured from 1996-2004. They are operated by SNCF and were manufactured by Alstom and Bombardier. The trains can reach maximum speeds of 300kmph to 320kmph.

TGV Duplex is Alstom's first third-generation double-decker/duplex train. It provides a seating space for 512 passengers in its upper and lower decks. The train is constructed of aluminum to reduce weight.

The trains in the TGV Duplex series mainly run on the TGV Méditerranée line between Paris and Marseille.

More than 450 TGV series trains are currently serving 230 destinations.


Elettro Treno Rapido 500


Alstom and Bombardier.ETR 500 Frecciarossa Trains


ETR500의 개량형으로 2008년에 첫 상용화되었으며 최대시속 360km로 시속 300km로 로마~밀란구간을 운행 중이다.

Elettro Treno Rapido 500 (ETR 500) Frecciarossa trains entered into service in 2008. The trains are designed for a maximum speed of 360kmph and currently run at 300kmph on high speed lines.

The Frecciarossa (Red Arrow) is a renovated version of the ETR 500. The renovated trains operate between Rome and Milan.

The cars are equipped with climate control and sound insulation, and feature ergonomic seats to provide maximum comfort.

The trains in the fleet are operated by Trenitalia and manufactured by TREno Veloce Italiano (TREVI), a consortium of Alstom, Bombardier and AnsaldoBreda.






2007년 1월 첫 상용 서비스를 시작했으며 타이페이~카오슝구간에서 시속  300km 운행되고 있다.

일본 신간선에 사용된 카와사키 700시리즈로 카와사키 히다찌 등에서 제작했다.

The THSR 700T operates on the high-speed line between Taipei and Kaohsiung in Taiwan. The train entered into service with Taiwan High Speed Rail in January 2007.

It operates at a speed of 300kmph reducing the journey time between the two cities from four hours to just 90 minutes.

It was constructed by Kawasaki, Hitachi and Nippon Sharyo. Based on Kawasaki's 700 series Shinkansen trains, the 700T was the first Taiwanese rolling stock to import Japanese high speed rail technology.

The total investment for manufacturing the initial 30 trains in the series reached about NT$100bn ($3.4bn).
source Railway-technology



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